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    12 inch ibook questions

    Discussion in 'Apple and Mac OS X' started by The Intimidator, Jan 1, 2006.

  1. The Intimidator

    The Intimidator Notebook Enthusiast

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    hey guys i have a few questions abought the 12 inch ibook. i am going to be buying a laptop in a week or so and i am considering the 12 inch ibook. i will be using it for surfing the net doing email, word proccessing, listing to music and doing some light photshop and video editing i will also be using it to keep track of bussines expensis and keeping track of contracts and for running some games ocasionaly i play doom and some other less intense games. i have read that the ibook is very well suited for these tasks is this true i have custamized my ibook with a gig of ram and a 60 gb hard drive for 1400$ can on the apple store. the other question i have is how will the screen be on my eyes being a 12 inch screen will i be able to use it for a hour or two with out any discomfort the reason im not getting the 14 inch ibook is the price i dont feel that it is worth the extra 400$ and my budget is under 1500 and the 12 inch has met that goal the 14 inch would come out to 1800$ + tax and i cant shell out that kind of doe rite now. the last question is how hard is it going to be for me to get used to using it. i have been using windows for years and i am getting fed up with xp crashing and being so unorganized my buddie has a 20 inch imac g5 and he says he wont go back to windows and he loves how organized it is my main concern is how hard it will be to get used to the mac OSx thanks guys Dj from canada o yeah how much will i be able to get for this in a year or so if i decide to upgrade to the power book thanks Dj
  2. Susan

    Susan Notebook Guru

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    If you have not already placed the order, you may want to consider a refurb from Apple if you only plan to keep it one year.

    Refurbished units have the same warranty as new and you can get Apple Care if you wish.

    LA Computer sells Apple Care for less than Apple.

    RAM can be upgraded by the user from sources other than Apple. Apple RAM is pricey.

    The Power PC chip may not retain value as the new units come out with an Intel chip.

    The 12 inch screen is very easy on the eye. I love mine.

    Good luck with your purchase.

  3. althehotdog

    althehotdog Notebook Enthusiast

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    Well I recently switched over from windows and I am very happy. I would suggest getting the least amount of RAM as its very easy to buy for much cheaper and then to install. I for example bought an additional 512MB for about 50$ without really looking for a deal. If you have bad eyesight the screen is a bit small so you may want to think about that. The OS is very easy to pick up. It will take some time to get used to but that is expected. Once you learn it there is no turning back to windows. The dashboard is really incredible as well. I don’t really play games on my ibook so I don’t know how well it will play the things you want but for everything else its great. The battery also lasts forever. Keep in mind this machine will never crash on you and you basically don’t have to worry about viruses and the like. Go for it and you will enjoy.
  4. The Intimidator

    The Intimidator Notebook Enthusiast

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    thanks for mentioning that i only added the 60 gig hard drive on the apple store and added 50$ for the extra ram i was going to buy at a bargin conputer store here in town. it is also nice to see the screen is easy on the eyes i was a bit worried abought that being so small and i will likly use it for 2 or more hours at a time. the reason i was asking abought the value in a year or so was i may want to upgrade to the power book with the new intel based chip or the 15 inch power book may go down in price considerably when the intel based power book takes over stock and i may be able to pick one up cheap.

    thanks for mentioning how simple it is to switch the reason i have not bought one already is my dad seems to think i would be better off with a dell cause they are cheaper and the run xp on them he is basicly saying the mac OS is crap and nobody uses them in bussnises and that software is not really avalible for it. :mad: he has sort of brainwashed me into not wanting to get one lol i no mostly all of that is not true but it just makes me think lol i guess i will be getting the ibook in a week or two there is something inside of me that says you will be happy with the mac so mac here i come :)
  5. Susan

    Susan Notebook Guru

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    Mac Expo in San Francisco is next week. Jobs is keynoting on the 10th. May be worth waiting til then to see if there are announcements about the timing of Intel units in stores.


  6. xAMDvsIntelx

    xAMDvsIntelx Notebook Deity

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    Yes - that's exactly what I've been waiting to see, when Macs will finally have Intel CPUs in them!
  7. The Intimidator

    The Intimidator Notebook Enthusiast

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    well i put the ibook on hold when i heard they were coming out with a 13 inch wide screen model not sure if it is true but i hope so lol i figure i'll wait untill the intel units are out and see how they perform and if the 13 inch ibook is true. i just bought a acer 5002 wmli for 850$ to tide me over till the new macs are relised i was just going to ride it out with my desktop but it just crashed big time so rite now im typing on my old p-3 running windows 95 lol i just dug er out of my closet shes slow but she works :mad: i pick up the acer tommorw so i'll rite a nice lil review in a few days in the acer section. who noes when the new macs come out? also will i be able to dual boot windows xp pro and the mac osx im just wondering cause it would be nice to be able to run xp and osx on one machine there are a few programs that need xp to run or are too expensive to buy for the mac but i can get em cheap for windows lol thanks Dj
  8. RadcomTxx

    RadcomTxx Notebook Deity

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    we won't know for sure untill the mactels come out if they will be able to dual boot, but it should be possible. the one thing that might be troublesome is a boot loader to switch between the two.
  9. xAMDvsIntelx

    xAMDvsIntelx Notebook Deity

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    Hopefully, a host software program will enable MacIntel users to switch between the two OSes.
  10. LostCause

    LostCause Notebook Guru

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    Or better yet, a program inside OSX that will allow you to execute Windows programs (like WINE).

    Don't expect it until you see it, though. I also thought I read somewhere that the 13 inch ibook isn't coming out until several months (maybe even 6+) after Job's keynote. For some reason I think on Jan. 10, he'll be introducing the new 15" powerbook which is supposed to look similar but be 20-25% thinner. This is all speculation, though...hell, I thought Job's keynote was on the 6th...shows how much I know. :)
  11. xAMDvsIntelx

    xAMDvsIntelx Notebook Deity

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    That sounds more like Virtual PC. I'd rather have the real OS running for max. power.