Hey, Zombie, tell me if you navigate to this adress in regedit, you can see DWM:
If you don't have it reply here and i'll fix it for you![]()
katalin_2003 NBR Spectre Super Moderator
Yeap. I do have it. What to do now?
steviejones133 Notebook Nobel Laureate
Id like to know this too as my aero is al FUBAR'd...sometimes it will work, sometimes it wont.
I just checked the reg entry that you posted Katalin and aero peek is set as value 1 in my registry......this is on a factory install btw and not a clean install.... -
katalin_2003 NBR Spectre Super Moderator
I'd give you my settings but i'll advice you to backup your registry first and create a restore point, just in case, i don't want to be blamed for any loss
I don't know the cause of your Aero issues but this is how i fixed it on another system with simillar simptomes.
Download this, extract it, double click and Yes to add it to your registry:
View attachment DWM.zip
The values that i have are the following on a Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1:
Remember to backup before and provide feedback if it fixed it. -
Hello, first I want to say this guide is outstanding. It really made the process of doing a clean install onto my m18x with my SSD very easy.
I just have one question. I ordered the upgrade for SoundBlaster audio, but cannot figure out where to get that on the clean install.
When I go to https://smartsource.dell.com/ it only offers the webcam, roxio starter and adobe reader. I got a good laugh at reader being there.
I did install the IDT driver and the audio is working. Is the sound blaster software even worth the trouble? Was I a sucker to pay the $19 for it? -
You need to contact Dell technical support and ask them to ship you the CD.
That what i did and here is the part number :
I got it for free with my replacement. At the back of the CD, there is a sticker with a key for activation prior to installation.
Here some screenshot of the software :
Attached Files:
I debated spending $20 on it, but given the total system cost, it was kind of like a "what the ..." thing and I selected it.
Thanks again for your help. -
When I go to the dell site to download the drivers for webcam, etc I enter my email, login and then it comes to the register system screen...i click the box and register and nothing happens...I have tried on IE, Chrome, and Firefox, nothing happens??
Is it best to make a backup after following this guide word for word even after installing all the basic apps like glary, ccleaner, gpuz, cpuz, flash player, java, etc?? Also, what is a good backup program as I do not have alien respawn anymore
Thanks to this, I received my brand spankin' new m11x yesterday, and just finished a clean W7 install without too much problems. Didn't find a need for AlienRespawn, so I delete all available partitions and made 2 new ones, one for the OS and installs (250gig), and one for data (450gig). Saved 17gig deleting the recovery partition
(Hi this is my first post on this forum: I have M15x and I upgraded with an ssd drive so I did a clean install, downloaded all drivers and programs from dell site but in the device manager still 1 unknown device! here is a picture : http://kepfeltoltes.hu/110624/unknown_device_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.jpg
What else do I need to install?(
Problem solved , freefall sensor driver caused the problem -
Hi everyone. So I read this entire thread and I'm still confused. What I understand is that there is no way to move respawn onto a new ssd and then run it? But then there was an idea to change the disk management size before copying it to the new ssd? Has anyone tried that yet with success? I read this all on a iPhone screen on the bus so I'm sorry if I missed a solution earlier
Thanks -
Is it just me or does the Dell website seem to be missing a few drivers for the m11x R1..?
katalin_2003 NBR Spectre Super Moderator
After reinstall Win7 if you want to put AlienRespawn back. Here is the link to download it.
http://alwdownload.alienrespawn.com/AlienRespawn_Basic.exe -
Hi there, as I have read the thread however I still have question and this may sound as a stupid question but which audio driver to install first? I'm bit confuse, because I planning to do a fresh install, because now I puzzle on which driver to install first?
Should I install the Realtek first then SoundBlaster X-Fi? or SoundBlaster X-Fi first then Realtek?
Few day ago, I got some problem with the sound then I uninstall all of them and then I install Realtek's first then SoundBlaster, but after restart the SoundBlaster said it does not detect any compatible audio deviceHow is it not detecting when it does detect few minute before I uninstall the driver?
Do I have to re download the BIOS after this or does that stay? And what about the alienhead when the laptop first turns on does that stay or go?
katalin_2003 NBR Spectre Super Moderator
The BIOS doesn't have anything to do with reinstalling the OS, it's a separate chip.
Also the alien head comes with the BIOS so no, you don't have to reflash it and no, you won't lose the alien head. -
Should the drivers be downloaded to a usb drive and then installed? or just downloaded after the clean install?
steviejones133 Notebook Nobel Laureate
I would recommend saving the drivers prior to clean installing.....that way, you have 'em ready to go.
I download mine to a disc. I suppose a USB drive can be used just as easily but I use a disc simply so that windows doesnt install any other kind of driver before im ready....if you slap in a USB drive with the downloaded drivers from Dell, your system will install USB device drivers before you even get the chance to do the Dell stuff.....I do it this way because im used to it now and it works for me just fine....others will say just use a USB.......
Its probably irrelevant and either method will work but YES....download to either USB or Optical Media..... -
alright thanks and what chipset drivers do i install first from the 3 drivers on the website? Cause step 3 is to install the Intel Management Engine/RST driver. What is the RST driver and do I install the the Cougar point chipset?
steviejones133 Notebook Nobel Laureate
Well, I am looking at the drivers for M18x as I dont know what system you have until you edit your signature in user CP (control panel - top left of the screen).
Leave the Realtek Card Driver till later on in the sequence (no.12 I think it is....) but install both Cougar Point HM67 Chipset and the MEI Drivers.....RST is Rapid Storage Technology driver for hard drives so you will want that too.... -
Yah srry I forgot to put my specs in my sig. Here they are.
O so the Realteck chipset driver is the Media card Reader?
steviejones133 Notebook Nobel Laureate
well it just said card reader under the description.
I just did a clean install and got a lot of space free now. Only thing is that when I try to install the latest driver from the nvidia website, the app doesnt recognize my graphics card which is odd.
thanks for the help! -
steviejones133 Notebook Nobel Laureate
So what is the video driver installation order @ step#6 for M18X owners?
If i read this correctly
a) Install AMD/ATI (reboot)
b) Press Fn+F7 to switch to integrated graphics (requires a reboot)
c) Intsall Intel HD graphics driver (reboot)
d) Press Fn + F7 again to switch back to binary [AMD] driver (requires a reboot)
e) finished -
Good luck with the AMD drivers. They all really suck on the M18x. If you haven't discovered it already, this may be of interest to you.
http://forum.notebookreview.com/alienware-m18x/588142-m18x-windows-aero-49.html#post7762096 -
Current at attempt #2 - wiped the system and started all over from (another) fresh install of Windows using the OEM disc provided by Dell/Alienware.
I skipped the mobile control center and tabbed over to indivudual downloads and downloaded the AMD driver Catalyst Control Center as a standalone package
The individual download will install without any modifications, but will not work. The whole range of resoultions aren't available and the Catalyst Control Center will not run. I'll head over to the AMD installation threads and post from there.
EDIT: I followed the suggestions from a post that linked the download page on Guru3d.
The mobility driver package that ends with "_ocl" in the file name installed without any "no supported devices" issues.
EDIT: Windows Experience Index score for the graphics cards has been chopped to 6.0 for both Desktop Aero and Gaming performance. Will do some (re)installs and see what happens. -
Go uninstall all of the AMD/ATI software on your system, reboot, enter safe mode and run Driver Sweeper and reboot. When back in Windows run the registry tool in CCleaner.
When you're done cleaning up the AMD Catalyst mess, do this... it will work for sure. -
Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2015
steviejones133 Notebook Nobel Laureate
Over - reacting I would say. Some people will have had issues as no product is ever perfect...doesnt mean that its unreliable. Many happy owners out there.....
It seems that the only unhappy people is the other guy. And i prefer to keep it that way!
I'm back at it again trying to reinstall my video drivers. The only thing I have not done at this point is start all over from square 1 and format/re-install windows.
I just finished Mr. Fox's suggestion of uninstall, Driver Sweep, CClean reg tool, re-install. Unfortuantly, I'm still back with a low WEI score and a noticeable dip in gaming performance from before the clean install. I even uninstalled the Intel chipset drivers using pretty much the same method.
The only glitch to the whole driver-order install method is that (i can't remember which one) one of the drivers requires the Dot.NET framework. So installing that one driver does make the system deviate slightly from the prefrred order of things.
But while I have time and no immediate travel plans (need for the use of the M18X) I guess I can start all over and ensure i'm using the most current driver.
I posted a question in the AMD clean install thread. I just want to make sure i'm using the right package for my graphics setup.
Edit: Did another Fresh install with better results from the graphics adapter. Windows Experinece Indicator now rates my 6970 Crossfire setup as a 6.0 now. Seem to remember that being a whole lot higher though.... -
Hi, I apologize for the ignorance, but would a M14x come with the media necessary for a clean install or do I need to burn a copy of Windows 7 or something?
After reading through the forums, it seems like it does, but I'm not sure and just wanted to check. (Also is there anything special or different with the version of Windows on the DVD, like are there any weird Alienware tweaks?)
[My system hasn't arrived yet sooo.... I can't contain my excitement for my laptop to come in and all I can do is read posts about it >_<]
Edit: Got my M14x today and it indeed comes with a clean copy of Windows 7 on a DVD. Nice touch. -
Hola, i've seen my problem posted in this thread but I didn't notice any replies to it. I recently tried myself a clean install with a full wipe but windows would not install with my raid setup. It would always get to the point i could see the finish line but no dice. It would end with some hard drive error. I eventually had to change the bios settings to ATA as opposed to the Raid that it was originally set up as to get windows to work.
Now i've went ahead and downloaded all of the necessary drivers and will be attempting to switch back to the raid settings and reinstall with what i've got. Hopefully someone has an answer so I won't have to resist smashing this beast when windows ends up mocking me again.
My first try was unsuccessful, "update could not configure windows on this system's hardware". Bios set to raid and both drives are detected. Ctrl+I created raid volume, raid 0, Stripe, etc. All default values. The system has the exact settings it had out of the box. I've scoured this forum and google to find some sort of driver to install at the beginning of the windows setup so it will recognize the raid setup but i've found only broken links. I'm assuming it is the raid that's causing my problem. I can switch the drives to ata and install just fine with the exception that Only one drive is recognized by windows.
M17x, i7 2720qm, GTX 460M, 2x320gig 7200rpm -
Alternatively, use Ctrl+I to delete your RAID0 drive memberships so each drive is independent, set BIOS to RAID and install Windows. After finishing your Windows installation, install Rapid Store Technology and convert the Windows installation to RAID0. It will create the drive memberships and each drive will appear as a RAID0 partition. Either way will work fine. -
Thank you for the driver i need. As for the second part, I tried to leave my BIOS with the RAID setup and I removed the RAID array with ctrl+i and still couldn't get it to work for some reason. If it did manage to go through then i'd just have to go about updating everything and then use the RST to go ahead and combine the drives right? Would it be able to still combine them if I made another partition or would it be best to do that with the first method?
BTW I managed to get windows installed with the BIOS set to ATA and i've access to both of my drives. Unless someone knows that will cause problems i'm going to stick with it until I can manage to get somewhere with better internet. So far its been a few days and I still haven't gotten SP1 dled yet. -
Batboy thank you for this guide.
Did my clean install of this machine and everything's working perfectly, thanks Batboy!
Although I do have a noob question (puts up noob shield heh).
So I log in to smartsource.dell.com to get the webcam application, and it says to "register system".
And naturally, I did press on the "register system".
It's been an hour, and nothing's happening. I'm just stuck there. Is that normal, or something's up with the website? -
I just went to the web site to see if there is a problem. There does not seem to be at the moment.
If you are using a browser other than Internet Explorer, that will not work. You must use Dell Download Manager to download the apps and DDM only works with Internet Explorer. -
alvinkhorfire Notebook Consultant
I would like to make some minor suggestion to your excellent first post, if you do not mind.
3. Update DirectX.
The link posts to the full installer of DirectX 9, eliminating the need to download the web installer which does not really serve much purposes.
1. Piriform's CCleaner - very handy for cleaning up after driver/app uninstalls.
CCleaner - Optimization and Cleaning - Free Download
Download the slim version of CCleaner, aka ccsetupxxx_slim.exe, as it does not contain any toolbar. The link you originally posted points to the standard version, which contains the toolbar.
Although the slim version is released a few days later than the standard version, it is worth the wait, as it completely eliminates the mistake of installing the toolbar. -
Can anyone just give me a direct link to the webcam app? Or share it? Cussin' dell cuss cuss. (And yes, I'm on Internet Explorer 9). -
So I downloaded the driver from dell and installed it and rebooted but when I try to install the amd drivers over it it says that my hardware is not supported
what do I do -
i got a question about the Nvidia drivers for M18x when you did a clean install of windows 7 is it better to download the Nvidia drivers of dell website or get the latest drivers directly from Nvidia website? which is better? also what about flashing bios? that isnt covered in this guide?
Seems this thread is no longer being monitored but I thought I'd ask a question. After doing all of the driver installation, there are some leftover folders left in C:, such as PerfLogs, Intel install logs, a Drivers folder from the USB 3.0 controller, etc. Are these safe to delete? I've already did, restarted the system and everything seems stable, just affraid of long term effects...
HOW TO: Clean Windows 7 Install (Driver Install Order) Guide for Alienware Systems
Discussion in 'Alienware' started by BatBoy, Feb 21, 2011.