So I just got my M15X, and thought it might be fun if everyone post your M15X system rating alone with the Spec.![]()
yea, I know, the rating doesnt really mean anything![]()
so here is mine
Core i5 430M
ATI 5730
gaming graphic-----------------6.7
hard disk-----------------------5.9
250GB 7K2 RPM
upgrade to a intel SSD
hard disk-----------------------7.5
check out M11X and M17X rating too!
ppl with M11X kind pissed when I ask them for M11X rating
gaming graphic-----------------7.2
hard disk-----------------------5.9
System is in my sig.
If you switch for an SSD, you may see the score going above 7. -
gaming graphic-----------------7.2
hard disk-----------------------5.9
That's weird, Phoestre you have 8GB dont you? Is it testing it on the timings/speed?
Damn the HDD really kills you. Time to start saving up for a SSD. -
Hey yes you are correct about your question. Mobile i7 quads support 1333mhz while mobile i7 duals support 1066mhz. Thats the reason of 6.9-7.4
gaming graphic-----------------7.2
hard disk-----------------------5.9 -
Processor: 7.1
Memory: 7.4
Graphics (both Gaming and normal): 6.8 (As I have a 260M)
Hard disk: 5.9
If i got an HD5850 and an SSD my minimum would be 7.1 :/ -
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Gaming graphic----------------7.2
Hard disk-----------------------5.9 -
Gaming graphic----------------7.2
Hard disk-----------------------7.2
strange my hard disk used to be 7.7 looks like it dropped. this is with 5850 -
this was with 5870
Attached Files:
everyone has nice scores beside mine...(lower than all of you
start wondering if I got a good deal or not.
just purchased mine for $900+tax... -
gaming graphic-----------------7.2
hard disk-----------------------6.8
If you have an SSD you shouldn't not be getting 5.9 -
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
/10char -
Here is mine:
7.5 CPU
7.5 RAM
7.4 GFX
7.4 Gaming GFX
7.8 HDD
Hey Inap I though 920xm is suppose to be 7.3? -
strange i just switched to the dell driver and my ssd score drop to 5.9, gonna check crystal disk mark.
Yea but usually intel ssd are score from 7.7 to 7.8. So 5.9 is not normal.
i know it so strange, but things look good with crystal disk mark. so i'm not worried about the wei score.
Highest is 7.4 and lowest is 5.9 for me. Seems like most of us have the same hard disk.
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
yeah thanks rev. yeah not too worried about it atm. my ssd seem to be working fine so not a big deal.
7.1 CPU
7.3 RAM
7.3 GFX
7.3 Gaming GFX
5.9 HDD -
gaming graphic-----------------6.8
hard disk-----------------------5.9
:S gtx260m got pawned -
/10char -
Processor - 7.2
Memory - 7.3
Graphics - 6.8
Gaming Graphics - 6.8
Primary hard disk - 5.9 -
Gaming graphic------------------6.8
Hard disk------------------------5.9
Sig for specs. -
I guess current M15X has not component that will max any single score of 7.9
I wonder if M17X could max any score... -
Just updated mine...
gaming graphic-----------------7.4
hard disk-----------------------5.9 -
Strange.. my Samsung SSD that came with my M15X originally scored a 7.0.. It now shows the following:
Processor .. 7.2
Memory .. 7.3
Graphics .. 6.8
Gaming Graphics .. 6.8
Hard Disk .. 5.9??
Edit: I do have the A07 bios. -
Processor - 7.0
Memory - 7.4
Graphics - 6.8
Gaming Graphics - 6.8
Hard Disk - 5.9
Hard disk is really the bottleneck for most of the people over here.
512GB SSD for less than $200 will be a dream come true. -
250GB SSD for less than $200 would be a dream come true. (good performing one, I might add)
Processor - 7.0
Memory - 7.4
Graphics - 7.3
Gaming Graphics - 7.3
Hard Disk - 5.9
i have the a07 bios and a SSD on the way so it will be interesting to see how the SSD behaves with the newer bios which i heard is not good right now. -
Processor = 7.2
Memory = 7.4
Graphics = 6.7
Gaming Graphics = 6.7
Hard Disk = 5.9
And I have the following:
CPU = i7 Q840 @ 1.87Ghz
GPU = Radeon 5850
HDD = 500GB 7.2k
Battery = 9 Cell
I have had a look on these forums and I can see that the graphics score for a 5850 should be about 7.3 to 7.4. I'm currently using the modified 10.6 drivers in the sticky of this forum. Ideas? -
Crikeys, yeh that is a super low score. Something is definitely wrong there. With those specs you should at least be getting over 10k easy. Hmmmssss......
Do you play any games? How do they run? The graphics card score in Vantage seems to be super super LOW. -
Ahh i see i see, perhaps you could try Dells latest ATI beta drivers version 10.8. See how that goes. Hopefully some improvement. Cheers.
Dell - Support -
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
PowerPlay is supposed to be enabled. That's what let's the clocks spin up to 3d levels from the 100/150 idle settings. If it's not enabled, they can't uptick, leaving you with low clocks and low scores. If disabled at startup, it usually dumps you into 300/400 and leaves you there, though that can be varied in the vbios.
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Nobody is born knowing this stuff. All of us learn as we go along.
Ok, so I installed the beta driver and when trying to run the WEI test, I get the following message:
"The Windows Experience Index for your system could not be computed.
Could not measure storage performance.
Unable to start the kernel logger. The logger is in use by another application. Please stop the kernel logger and try again."
I have no idea what this message is on about...
EDIT: I think I'm going to just leave this until I wake up in the morning. Might just try restoring the notebook back to factory and see what happens. -
what is your M15X system rating
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by fourfire, Aug 12, 2010.