I'm having a really weird problem after flashing my bios from a06 to a09. When I start my cpu the multiplier stays at a minimum of x21 (about 2926.2 mhz) and fluctuates between 21-23 when my laptop is on idle. That shouldn't be the case. When I was on my a06 bios it was usually around x10-12 for the multiplier when the cpu was idle.
Nothing on my cpu/gpu/ram is oc'd, everything is indeed stock, and my laptop specs are in my sig.
If someone knows how to fix this because my idles processor temps are up nearly 10c:
they were: core 1- 34-36c idle, core 2- 30c idle
now are: core 1- 45-47c idle, core 2- 40-42c idle
My harddrive temps are up about 4-5c from 39-41c to 43-46c.
Gpu temps are still the same which is good (idle 47-51c)
attached is the cpu-z snapshot for the cpu speed/multiplier:
I have no clue what to do and I have searched a lot to no avail
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Changing your power plan from High Performance back to Balanced or Power Saver will ordinarily resolve the matter and return the multipliers reported by CPU-Z to their former levels, i.e., to LFM settings.
Yes I feel very stupid, I just realized that and was about to post back here and I saw your wisdom shine through yet again.
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Great minds think alike. Glad it's fixed.
Another problem I'm seeing on this new a09 bios is that at times i'll hear the gpu fan kick into gear when i'm browsing firefox with maybe 3-5 tabs open and nothing else. When I look at the clocks, its up to max, when it should really be in its lowest state because gpu-z shows 0% cpu load.
I have to hit the stealth button a few times and then it will clock itself down, but may randomly kick back up which in turn makes my cpu multiplier increase. This raises temps on both the gpu/cpu.
Any other workaround other than hitting the stealth button a couple of times?
Edit: apparently hitting the stealth button a few times only clocks the gpu down for a few minutes before it goes to max clock speeds. The only thing that seems to work is if i keep the laptop in stealth mode when i'm not doing anything heavy on it. -
with the a09 bios, a big issue they fixed (sort of) was throttling. in turn, the 3d clocks toggle far more often than prior bios revisions. if you want, you can disable hardware acceleration in firefox and see if that fixes it.
I will try your advice and report back
Apparently my laptop does this even when its on idle =/
m15x i5-540m stuck on max multiplier
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by khetik, Aug 1, 2011.