Hi, after upgrading my gpu and having numerous successful restarts now the laptop suddenly doesn't post, i've seen the link to the dell website with the LED error codes but the page doesn't exist anymore, can somebody help? The scroll and caps are flashing whilst the num is solid, i have a bad feeling the motherboard is dead. Thanks for any help.
maybe you want to tell us ur code so we might help you out?
Kael001 likes this. -
Where did you buy the GPU from? and which GPU did you buy?
Also why did the notebook do several restarts? Can you give us a description as so what exacly happened because at this Point we are pretty clueless as to what exacly is going on.
The code inidcates a GPU problem, how we can fix this and what the cause is will be found out once you provide enough information to make an educated guess.Kael001 likes this. -
The restarts were part of normal operations, i mentioned only to say that it had been operating normally.
I posted here that i was having trouble with cooling, that it's temps were not what i expected from what i had read, the conclusion was that the heatsink probably wasn't sitting on the die properly and the pipes were probably obstructing it. In and effort to fix it i reseated the card, after that the laptop started no posting. I think i may have over tightened the screws or the card simply burned out now that i know it's a gpu error. -
Ah yeah that thread.The pipes werent obstructing it by the way, otherwise you wouldn't be able to put it on your old graphicscard which had a similair kind of architecture component wise on the PCB in your system. If i remember currectly you even put pads on the inductors, which don't need to be cooled down.
Your situation sounds like you bought a broken card which has been "fixed" in the oven / heatgunned. I always strongly recommend to NOT buy any GTX 4xx - GTX 6xx cards nor to buy any HD 6xxx - HD 7xxx cards, they are currently all dying and it's a waste of money. If you need a cheap card then look at HD 8970M 2GB, which costs around 150USD. I'd contact the seller and ask him for a refund. If he doesn't want to then I'd say make a support ticket on ebay and write down that the seller sold you a reflowed card, which is basicially a wannabe refurbished card aka broken card.Kael001 likes this. -
Whilst you may be (likely) correct, i can't be sure it wasn't something i did that caused them to fail, with my second 7970m i used a hairdryer to get the xbracket off. Even though i was careful, this gives me enough doubt to be hesitant about a refund. Thanks for the concern.
I may look into a 8790m, cheers for the advice, though i will probably hold off for awhile, i've had my upgrading fill for awhile haha -
nah man, you should demand a refund, don't let idiots like the ebay seller fool you.
m15x LED error codes
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by Kael001, Oct 20, 2017.