Greetings all,
I'm new 'round here. I'm a proud m15x owner since 2010.
Quite recently, my GTX 260m decided to die on me. I immediately bought a new-ish (refurbished) 280m off ebay, thinking it would be perfectly ok (as it has been for many others).
I know the 280m is a bit iffy in the case of the m15x and the driver installation involves a modded inf and whatnot. The problem is, once that is done (using DOX drivers version 182.46) and it's rebooted, when I try to login into Windows, I get this (the login screen is fine). Everything is perfect when it's in 'Standard VGA Display Adapter' "mode".
Any aid would be appreciated!
Alienware-L_Porras Company Representative
Card seems DOA. You should send it back. Is it a DELL card with DELL vBios?
m15 + GTX 280m problem
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by kblaise, Oct 24, 2013.