just wondering if anyone has a reliable seller of M15 retainer clips for our keyboards. I've found a few sites that do the entire key but only one that does a stand alone clip but it's for the M17/M18, would either of those work since in theory both keyboards are the same size aside the 10 key?
Are you talking about the white plastic piece under the keys? I havent found one but i ordered a replacement key cause they said they are the exact to the original keys but it wasnt. I was able to use my old key with the white clip. Is that what your asking?
Yeah, my kid broke the enter key's clip. I've found a few sites that offer keys but only one offers a standalone clip but I'm not sure how reputable any of them are.
Here is where I got my replacement DELL Alienware M15x Replacement Laptop Keys. the key is garbage but the white clip is good and thats all I replaced. This is what you need but please dont use there key it is so god awful looking. When you get it let me know cause there is only one easy way to get it on. I tried for like 30 min like a retarded monkey till I tried something else which would have saved me 29 min 55 seconds.
I just put in my order, any idea how where these guys are located?
Got my key today, oddly enough it looks fine as does the retainer clip. I tried for about 15 mins today and the computer outsmarted me so I gave up and went to work. What worked so well for you?
key retainer clip
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by ASCI_Blue, Feb 5, 2012.