M15x with an i7 940xm
560m vbios
stock psu
Randomly keeps throttling back n forth in certain games such as skyrim and deus ex, I have been unable to fix this issue since 2012
Some information
Cpu tems usually stay in mid 70s
Gpu temp varies 76 to mid 83ish no heating issues when gaming.
Things Iv tried
Throttlestop set tdc/tdp 40/40 lock at 17r cpu clock at 18 for all= this help reduce the ammount of intermittent throttling while games but it still affects gameplay
would appreciate it if anyone could point me to a newer vbios a modded one which helped them get through this
Figure out a way to interrupt the connection between the the psu middle pin and the laptop. Easiest is to buy the right angle connector and remove the pin from it.
You could also use some pliers to remove the central pin from the psu, but you won't be able to charge the laptop anymore, only do this if you have a spare psu.
You could also cut into the psu wire, cut the wire to the middle pin and install a small switch on it. You'll be able to either charge the psu, or game throttle free on the same PSU. -
Hi thank you for your response, so what ur saying is its a psu issue that others have been faceing? ok if i buy a new psu which one should i buy that doesnt require any modification? secondly if I use the right angle connecter as u suggest how do i remove the pin or which portion shud i attach it too? im not familiar with modifying pins or wires unless its a simple task of cutting and attaching to the laptop. thanks for the help.
Ps: I forgot to add my gpu only throtlles when its on 99% load.
If you want to be sure you don't have any power issues, buy a 210W or 240W PSU and a right angle connector. The right angle connector has a middle pin that you have to forcefully pull out. By doing this, the laptop draws as much power as it needs, with no regard to the safety of the PSU(hence the need for a more powerful psu). With a high overclock AND a right angle connector you would pull moe then what your stock psu is able to output and it will shutdown.
If you don't want to invest in a psu right away, just buy the connector and be careful not to overclock too much, you'll notice when you trip the psu, trust me )nielo likes this. -
Thanks for the info, since u mentioned about the pin, i did the trick some other user had in the 560m throttle fix forum, I basicly put the connector only half way in and did not let the pin touch, so Im getting higher power draw and no throttling so far in skyrim, I hope this trick would be enough with an 870m or 770m since im buying a new gpu this month.
Oh, and when the power draw reaches its peak values, you may hear a rattling noise ), kinda scary. -
King of Interns Simply a laptop enthusiast
Don't continue what you are doing as you might well damage the power circuits. -
Yes you are right but shipping it via amazon to my country since im not in the us anymore makes it around $30, hopefully ill find it on aliexpress or something. I cant believe my laptop has not had any issues since 2009.. however the 1080p tn panel is showing its age with washed out bluish toned colors.
I have a M15x with a 720qm and a upgrade to 560m and got throttle issues
i disabled SPEEDSTEP in the bios and it stopped
help M15x GTX 560m abrupt throttling
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by nielo, Sep 22, 2014.