900/2200 OC via afterburner, our dear lord SVL's bios.
920xm (OCed to 22-24 at 4 cores depending on temp)
win7 Home
Running the games on Full screen/borderless window does little to no effect. Most times i get a perfcap - utilization from gpu-z. It comes out of it sometimes but I never undestand why it stays MOST of the time (say 80%)
Alienware-L_Porras Company Representative
forgot to include that.
240w brick. took out the center pin to make sure I'm amply supplied. Got the same ones talked about in this forum. The precision one. -
Hi TqM
What do you mean exactly? did I miss out on something crucial? I remember having to mod an inf just to install the drivers for the 680m. Not sure what J95's modded ones would do. Checking around TechInferno says he's got a lot of thread releases and such but I'm not sure which ones the modded ones are and why they're modded at all. I'm running driver version 344.75. Maybe I should update though honestly this hasn't happened before. -
Read the thread "[Alienware] Aftermarket Upgrades Driver Support - Modded INF" over at TechInferno. J95 is excellent at removing any inherent disadvantages from the releases.
gtx 680m overclocked but not fully utilized.
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by Bele, Jul 21, 2015.