Hi guys,
As many of you know I'm currently waiting for my new "whole unit replacement" to arrive, it was supposedly going to have the 5850 in it, and for my surprise, today I checked the order status and it seems that they are going to put a 5870 in it, so my question is if the m15x eventually got the 5870 as a GPU option or is this some kind of mistake? Sorry about the question, I tried to look for the answer but didn't find it, just a bunch of threads about installing the 5870 with help of some modifications. Thanks.
Either way its pretty much the same card.
AFAIK 5870 is still not officially supported.
Both are very decent cards, I had to pay for my 5850.
there was one case where they did gave one member a 5870 for his M15x.
yes the hd5870m isn't validated yet by dell.
Validated Video Cards M15x, M17xR1, M17xR2 - Alienware Forum - Alienware Club - Dell Community -
alvinkhorfire Notebook Consultant
Being officially given HD 5870M by Dell is a good thing. I do wish that I can have the same video card as you.
Although HD 5870M and HD 5850M are essentially the same card, the difference is that Dell officially provides warranty for you to use HD 5870M in your M15x. Thus, you can overclock HD 5870M without much worry. -
..Hey Aliened,
I told you everything will be good in the end, didn't I ??? happy for you bro..enjoy !!! Peace !!! -
The other day I was checking the progress of my WUR in the dell support page and for my surprise I found out that they cancelled the order and placed a new one with the 5730 without letting me know!!!!! seriously, what the f is wrong with this guys at dell?!! I called them immediately, and was told that they canceled the order because the 5870 was not available any more, still I don't understand why they placed a new one with the 5730 without my authorization... what a bunch of dishonest ppl. thankfully I checked the order status before they send it, if not I don't want to imagine what would happened when powering the system up and finding out that it had a 5730 in it. The agent that assisted me didn't canceled the order, but told me that he made a report in order that the agent that was originally assisting me will give me a call to clarify the situation what else must happen to me before I can have my m15x back... *sigh*
I checked today a little more further about why they canceled my WUR and yes, false alarm, seem's like they will never have the 5870 as a supported card stupid dell agent who made my order sheet. Well, I'll have to overclock my 5850 then (if I even get one).
They had better give you one after all the waiting and getting-your-hopes-up they put you through
What was your original card? -
call them up ask them to transfer to some higher authority and do not be satisfied until you get this F)(*&^%$ up issue fixed bro....
I just noticed that right now there is no graphics card option for the M15x in the US site.. I mean there in no video card option and no card shows in the cart .... :O :O I mean, what's up with that.?!?!?!
Anyways, I've no idea what I would've done if I were in your position right now... -
Those mother f*$@ers... they just did what I was afraid of, those a-holes at the WUR department never answered my email and seem's like "my" order has just shipped!! nice way to treat your customers dell, kudos to you. Surely now I'll be stuck with a m15x that has a 5730... lol? I complained about my old 260M and now I'm getting a worse GPU I'm just tired of all this bs dell has been throwing at me. At least I have the email I sent them and a report number as proof of my unconformity and attempt of stopping this order form being shipped, they will not get away with it!
I sent an email this morning to the guys at dell in which I basically told them that if they didn't changed my GPU I'm going to sue them because I'm not going to take more of their bs. I gave them the option to send me a 5850 so a tech can swap it, don't know if they can do that. I was thinking too that if they didn't do anything about it, and if I see that I don't have enough power to win the sue case then I could just take my old 260M and place it on the WUR and then send them back the old m15x with the 5730... what do you think guys? do you think that they could they do a fuss about it?
Sorry but I'm seriously laughing that you told you Dell you were gonna sue them. I think your over reacting, I would be upset if I were in the same situation as you but I think you could eventually get them to correct the order if simply called and immediately asked for a manager and didn't stop requesting to be transferred until one got on the line.
Everyone is soo sue happy these days, are you seriously ready to pony up the cash (that will easily be worth the price of a new laptop) and build a case to go to court against Dell? -
darth voldemort Notebook Evangelist
roliath, I don't actually know anything much about sueing for fact, but here is my opinion. Dell did something to aliened which gives him reasonable cause to sue them in court of law to get the money he payed for the laptop and the money for the lawyer and the money for the trouble he went through. Dell won't even send somebody to the court if he does actually sue them. he would instantly win and get whatever he wanted up to a maxiimum of (i think) 7 grand. I am not sue happy. I hate people sueing people (PEOPLE) for no reason, but this !@#$%^$ called dell is not a (PERSON) and so its not as bad and he deserves to sue them.
When I would receive a letter stating I was going to be sued, I immediately sent it to our Legal department even if they said it out of anger or if they were bs'ing me.
I am currently dealing with Dell/Alienware trying to track down the cause of a lockup i'm having with one game (which makes owning this laptop rather moot as I only play that one game). So far they have been responsive enough once you let them do the BS they want to do (layer 1 stuff). First they came out and swapped out my 5850m, they are coming tomorrow to swap out my mobo, and i'm sure that won't fix the issue i'm having so I was already told a unit replacement would be issued. I'm not worried as if they screw up, i'll just call back and get them to correct their mistake.
Its a ty situation to be in, I hope it gets sorted out for you Aliened. But if I were in his shoes and had a lawyer on retainer ready to sue Dell in small claims court. I would just cut my losses buy a new laptop, and sell the one I got chalk it up as a lesson to never deal with them again and save myself the headache of more bull.
edit: language filter cut off some of my response -
Oh. My. God.
Sue Dell? Now you're just being silly. Waste of time and money. Sure, they've screwed you around. There's plenty of people in the same boat. At the end of the day you just have to communicate with them in an adult fashion and be patient. Lying on the floor flailing your arms and legs and screaming like a child isn't going to have a positive effect. Have you actually tried speaking nicely to a manager? The chances of getting a positive outcome will drastically reduce when you start saying things like "I'm going to sue you QQ". Seriously man, just chill out and behave like an adult. It's amazing how far it can get you in the civilized world. -
Not that anyone cares, but these stories can go completely opposite if handled properly.
Within about a months time, i've had my 5850m and the motherboard replaced (today). My system still experiences the hardlock I was encountering, so I called Dell/Alienware and they issued a replacement on the spot after about an hour long conversation. It should arrive in 3-5 days and there were no dual cores in stock so I was given a 740qm instead and a ram upgrade. -
darth voldemort Notebook Evangelist
actually, acting like a little child and sueing them will be well worth your money. you can sue them for all your troubles, and lawyer expenses, and then get money to buy a better laptop. I have no beleif at all that dell would even send somebody to the court room. you would instantly win you're request. A massive company like dell has no reason to bother retaining a few thousand dollars when they know they would probably lose the trial anyways if they do go! -
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Your comments reveal a lack of experience with either major corporations or the litigation process. There is no chance whatsoever that Dell will not defend itself, and it will be willing to spend several times the amount at issue. You should also understand that the process will be measured in years, not months, so that even if successful, any benefits to be obtained will be long deferred. Worse, in most jurisdictions, you will not be able to recover your attorney's fees even if you prevail. There are exceptions under certain consumer protection statutes, but their scope is much less than sometimes perceived. Threats of litigation against large corporations by an individual as a means of complying compliance with the individual's demands are silly and nearly always counter-productive. A calm, patient, mature approach will eventually prevail. Dell doesn't want unresolved customer complaints to linger if there is merit to the complaint. It is your job to present and explain the facts which trigger the relief sought. In most cases, threats and histrionics are a waste of time and effort. If you want to win, you have to play.
darth voldemort Notebook Evangelist
Ahah! you have bested my knowledge of legality! But, if you read my first post about sueing dell I am pretty sure I said that I didn't know that much about sueing people. But then, that is all just your opinion too, and you have never sued dell according to your post, so we still can't trust your post too much more than mine??!
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
One should avoid descending from the sublime to the ridiculous.
@ all members who shared their opinion on this thread: some of you are aware of my situation since the beginning, if not, you must know that I'm currently not living in the US, right now I'm in Baja Mexico so the day that I extended my warranty the agent that assisted me made an address change without letting me know and that's why I have been stuck with dell latinamerica. If I was able to take my system to the US and have tech support over there believe me that I would have already done it since the beginning, but I couldn't. Now, you must know that although dell is the same company all over the world there are different types of cultures from country to country, and the Latin culture is not very honest sometimes (before someone starts saying that I may be a racist have in mind that I'm Mexican too so I know what I'm talking about). I think that almost 5 months now of waiting to get my problem solved, sending emails, talking with dell agents over the phone AND THEIR SUPERVISORS TOO is enough patience, and since I've not acted rude or childish with them in all this 5 months then I think that I've been mature too, that's why I think that this warning to the guys at dell about me being ready to take "more serious" measures is not a childish reaction. I'm completely aware of what suing dell means, I know that this may take years and considerable expenses, believe me when I say that I'm not a fan of sues (I've sue and been sued before) but, having in mind the context in which I am, I thought that this would be a proper decision, and time has proven that I was right. The agent that was following my case had been ignoring me for a week, he didn't replied to any of my emails, I just sent him one email in which I stated that I was not going to take their "inconveniences" anymore and he replied the next day saying that he was very sorry about all the misunderstandings and that he was going to ship me a better GPU as soon as my WUR arrived, coincidence? I don't think so, he just saw that I was tired of their bs and ready to fight so he ceded. I really didn't want to end on a sue cuz as I said before I know what it means, but that doesn't mean that I wasn't ready to. Unfortunately seems like this was the only way for them to react, and that's why I'm finally getting my m15x back.
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Congratulations on your outcome. Hope it all works out to your complete satisfaction.
Thanks Rev, I hope it too... if one thing I've learned is to not believe dell's word until I have it in front of my eyes, I don't want to get all excited again and then end with a 5730 in my hands. expecting the worse.
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Maybe this time they'll get it right.
factory m15x with 5870?
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by Aliened, Apr 14, 2011.