can you use an SSD in the express card slot? ive seen several and im REALLY wanting to get one for it.
also if an SSD works in it will it be a bootable drive?
if not did anyone ever get the useless bluetooth module (or wifi module) to use an SSD instead bootable of course. right now im really wanting to use the only HDD slot in this laptop for an HDD and mass storage. and windows on some kind of bootable SSD.
King of Interns Simply a laptop enthusiast
Why not use the ODD for mass storage? Running an external drive isn't a problem! Anyways please try it we would all be interested to hear how it works out.
The one problem I see with it is how easy it is to eject an express card. My USB 3.0 ports often spring out. Would have to be REALLY careful that doesn't happen lol -
I have also had USB 3.0 cards pop out easily. In any case, I would favor using the HDD location for the SSD for speed and reliability. If you just want to boot and run Windows from the SSD, 64 GB or 120 GB should be large enough - then you could, as many here have done, replace the ODD with a large HDD (1 TB or so). I found, with a little judicious moving of video and picture files to an external HDD, I could manage quite well with a 512 GB SSD in the main HDD slot and keep the optical drive. I don't use the optical drive a lot - but it is occasionally very useful.
Let us know what you decide and how it works out.
Joe -
i know i can use a bay converter for the HDD thing is i use the optical drive pretty often. im WANTING to use the express slot or useless bluetooth module slow for more storage. if i recall ive found little modules for mini pcie that makes it a usb 3.0 get one thats fast and just use that for OS? not sure if it will be bootable though.
what im going for is. 2 TB hdd in reg hard drive slot. and SOME kind of SSD for booting. -
Not all Expresscwrd ssds are bootable. You need to search a lot.
I would be curious if here are pci-express wsds which you could put instead of wi-fi... -
Seems like these ExpressCard SSDs came and left without a bite. I know it's necro, but there seems to be very little out there in the interwebs....
I doubt the M15x supports booting from the expresscard slot. It's an old laptop and ssds were still getting popular at the time, let alone having expresscard ssds on the market.
The expresscard slot was very popular back in the day for various add-ons, but slowly it started to die off. The bluetooth module slot is mini pci-e I believe. You may have better luck with that, but if I remember correctly, some people here tried that on the M14x and it didn't work. -
The best solution is HDD caddy and external dvd.
The m15x has no port "mSATA" do not serve the ssd with that format, it's a shame.
The expresscard cards are a bad idea. The reason is that they work with pci port but they seem more like a pendrive. (economic controllers).
Several years ago I got the caddy and works great.
The worst is having to open the laptop, but once installed it works like a desktop. You can boot any disc from the bios that allows you to have 2 SO.
We also comment that the dvd for me have passed into history long ago. Scratched, break down, are much worse and more expensive. Apart occupy more physical space and need covers.
I've never torn apart my m15x to that level. Never knew they labeled the connectors and such. They really don't make them like they used to.
express card SSD?
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by Zenobia K'eal, Sep 15, 2013.