This just happens after i switch from 260m to 6970m. While gaming for about 10-20 minutes, the laptop shuts down like when you're holding the power button. A few seconds later the laptop starts by itself, no crash log or BSOD shown.
Not overheating issue as i monitor the temp, the last log before crash is 80 which is normal for this card when put on load.
The card show no signs of artefact when gaming or on desktop.
Hoping someone could help me out with this issue, i'm really lost right now![]()
i had a similar issue, ended up being the ribbon cable (the one which connects the power button and touch bar to the motherboard.
was damaged. as soon as i replaced it, worked perfectly. -
do i look into the touch panel side or i have to flip to the back and look at where it's connect to the motherboard side
*Updated* checked the ribbon, looks ok, no signs of tearing. Shut down still persists -
only other thing i can think of then is temps.
try monitoring temps in realtime by playing a game/3d app in window mode and have gpu-z or hwinfo running in the background.
logs and reboot temps are unreliable because the gpu quickly cools down and the log isn't updated to the last second of the crash.
i also had another reboot issue which ended up being my psu, however the ring led on the psu cable would turn off as well. -
I'd say remove the heatsink and check whether the paste is evenly spread across the die... it's totally possible that some areas aren't covered and may become too hot.
thanks for all the help guys. yesterday i did take my M15x apart again but this time i repaste and clean the CPU side instead. i also did a voltage mod to 1.025 and 715/900 core/mem to match 6990m stock.
as for the monitoring, i use HWinfo to monitor, last few log says 75-85, never go above 90.
for the PSU when the laptop shuts down, the ring still lights up during the shutdown
do you guys think formating would help ? my brother says it's the corrupted window files, but it only happens after i switched to 6970m though. -
Have you run memtest for 8 hours like I suggested earlier?
haven't get to it actually, for now i still haven't had shutdowns since the cpu repaste, i'll see how it goes, if the shutdown is back, i'll have a go at running memtest. thanks for the reminder johnny.
I'm having this same problem too, I just installed my 6970m today. How can we tell if the ribbon cable is damaged? I'm planning on checking my pasting job tomorrow as well
What is the memtest as well? Would that be helpful in identifying this problem? -
well mine wasn't physically cut, however the point at which there's a sharp bend was very flexible and didn't spring back. i double checked with a multimeter using the resistance setting to test it for conductivity. sure enough some wires were cut.
Not sure if my issue could be a result of this cable being damaged, but for a good long while now my computer has done pretty much the same thing. It will randomly power off and then a few seconds later restart. Event log shows and Event ID 41, but other than that i have not been able to find the reason. It happens during games as well as when my computer is idle, so i do not believe it is temps.
Specs: i7 Q720
nVidia GTX 260M
Everything is stock, no overclocking has been done. Also just as an extra question. I have noticed that sometimes my computer will only read 2GB of RAM instead of the 4, could this be the cause of a loose dimm slot?? Thanks for any help you guys can give. -
Event id 41 doesnt really tell you anything other than your system shutdown due to a problem. Have you run the mem test as others have stated?
Yes I have run memory test a bunch of times and nothing comes up. I have noticed however that when my computer is plugged into the AC adapter it powers down at random. But on battery it seems to be ok.
Before your laptop powers down when on ac power have you noticed whether the blue led ring light turns off. Could possibly be a faulty adapter.
nope it stays on the whole time....i just actually took it into best buy today since my warranty is up and they are currently running far they have found that the hard drive is bad. Dell has replaced this hard drive three times already, so im just hoping these geeks can solve this for me.
a geek always seemed liked a derrogatory word, and considering they are helping to fix your laptop, they shouldn't be referred to in that manner
Edit*: nevermind i just saw what the title is of a new member "notebook geek"...facepalm moment for me -
Yea definitely didn't mean it in a derrogatory sense. I'm perfectly comfortable with being one as I'm sure everyone is
Look at widezu69's picture here:
What he did was press down a little bit on the copper part of the heatsink since it was making contact with the card; I just tried this yesterday night and my temps dropped like 10C
does anyone has any issue with sudden shutdowns and restart while gaming ?
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by Hel20eS, Oct 28, 2011.