Hi all,
have always found solution to my issues using threads but this time...
Upgraded my M15x a few months ago from i3 to a i7 920XM 3.2Ghz QS whitout any problem. Two weeks ago it had shut down and when restarting scroll and num lock is solid, caps lock i flashing - memory error. Replaced and shifted the rams without any success. Bought new ones - no success. Tried them in a different notebook and they are working fine. Bought a new motherboard - no success. Shifted hdd - no success. The only thing left now, as I see it, is the cpu. Unfortunately I've misplaced the original one. Before I buy a new cpu I would really like to now if anyone have had this issue where the cpu was the problem.
Thank in advance
Mikael Baaz
Alienware-L_Porras Company Representative
The LED codes sometimes are generic and not exactly the reason, however since it is referring to the memory, have you tested the vRAM, swapped the video card with a known good one? Perhaps that could be the problem. If not there are always options available for you from our side. You can try sending us an e-mail to [email protected] with your tag and phone number and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
screen at all. Others with a similar problem I've seen have made in to the bios.
/Mikael -
Alienware-L_Porras Company Representative
King of Interns Simply a laptop enthusiast
In this case pick up a cheap GPU like the GT240M to test out on.
now im having the same problem with my m15x. Caps is blinking and other two leds are still on. Rams checked and ok, graphics checked, cpu checked, motherboard - should be fine. The wirdest part is that, when i had disassembled laptop i pluged in screen, gpu,cpu,ram and everything worked fine, laptop normally turned on. When i put everything back together it wont boot. Tried several times and all the time caps is blinking. Once or twice there were no leds light after turning on but nothing else happened, laptop didnt boot. Any ideas? Plz im so tired fighting with my alienware.... -
Really no1 can help? ATM i disassembled laptop again. I left only cpu,gpu/ram/screen and powering switch and still the same led error- caps blinking other 2 solid. Today i also tried next ram (100% good) and still the same. Is it something wrong with motherboard? Or mby i should do some hard manual reset of bios or some other chip? Im already out of ideas and tired of that and really wanna throw all that mess to garbage and buy some family pc for 99,99 at the mall...
Why dig up a 2 year old thread?
If you are absolutely certain that the CPU, Video Card and RAM are fine then the problem is clearly with the motherboard. -
King of Interns Simply a laptop enthusiast
Hdd? Is there not a specific coding for the flashing lights. If you look it up I think you can find out what flashing caps and solid 2 lights means.
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So sorry, i should start a new topic instead of digging up old one which stays without solution?
I found out that blinking caps and 2 solid means memory error. I checked my ram few times and no success. I stopped digging and laptop goes to garbage, its probably some small issue but atm im too tired of trying everything to make it work. Thanks for reply anyway. -
King of Interns Simply a laptop enthusiast
Maybe wise to part out before throwing away. There are some parts I would be interested in. Eg trackpad ribbon cable back door to laptop etc
Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk -
If the chassis is in good shape I'd also be interested. Is the display 1080p?
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dead M15x - Caps Lock flashing
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by Abakus2007, Jul 19, 2012.