As it says on the tin, after trying to get to the bottom of all my issues i'm going to go down the replace GPU route.
GTX 260m? Got one lying around.
ok might be interested, dont want my pants pulled down over the price! lol
I have one lying around as well.
Haha, I have a like new, lightning fast, top of the line...... Nvidia GT 240m!
Guaranteed to struggle to play any game you throw at it on lowest settings!
I'll sell it to you for 25 bucks (US). I don't even want to look at it anymore haha. -
atfer something higher than GTX 260M
How about a brand new Dell still in the box ATI 6970M?
Wassup Rob? USMC, what price you asking for?
i got a gtx 260m really good condition.. cheap.. pm me if your interested.. just swappped it out..
anyone selling a GPU?
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by rob scorpio, Aug 13, 2011.