Ah, so I cannot use the screws on the m15x heatsink?
Do you know if longer or shorter screws are needed?
As would happily measure with vernier calipers and dremel to size if shorter.
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Sent from my overpriced Galaxy S6 Edge + -
Ah, gotcha.
So just to clarify, these are the 4 screws used on the heatsink to screw into the X bracket?
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Sent from my overpriced Galaxy S6 Edge + -
Do you happen know the correct thread size for the screws needed?
Are they available with the springs to lock off so 'overtightening' cannot occur?
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I can probably check the ones on my 980M this weekend as it should be tg he same.
The screws are standard screws, not shoulder bolt types.
Sent from my overpriced Galaxy S6 Edge + -
I was thinking they would be standard.
Hmm, so changing to a smaller diameter screw would mean that the current heatsink c clips wouldn't be in use, which could cause an error whilst tightening up potentially cracking the die?
It would be better if c clips could be used on the new screws to stop this from happening.
I'll have a read around and see if anyone has experienced this.
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Seems like I've been over thinking this one.
A quick looksie on YouTube revealed this....
Seems he just did away with the original screws and as long as you don't go crazy with the tightness you'll be fine.
It looks like it just needs to be' nipped up' with even pressured at all 4 screw locations to get the heatsink seated properly.
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I'll be bloody careful with a 970m! Heh.
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but won't the 5850M x-bracket work on the 970m? It appears to be the same dimensions from pics I've seen.
Rairch and deadsmiley like this. -
Sent from my overpriced Galaxy S6 Edge + -
X-bracket from 6970M/6990M/7970M etc won't fit normally.kosti, Rairch and deadsmiley like this. -
After a quick look around I came across this: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/152062646640
Surely the correct size will be included in this kit.
Quite a range of sizes and for the money would be quite a handy little set to have as spares.
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If I could use my 5850m bracket that would save a whole load of messing about.
But of a bugger to get off I've read, but that would be the only mod instead of hunting down the correct screws.
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That screw assortment will come in handy. I have replaced many lost screws on various laptops I have with an eBay screw kit.
Sent from my overpriced Galaxy S6 Edge + -
Reeto then. Seems easy enough.
Wasn't aware that the X bracket would be usable with newer nvidia cards.
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Do like Deadsmiley said and use a hair dryer to warm up the double-sided tape holding the bracket to the pcb, then push down the screw posts from the top side. It will eventually separate to the point where you can use your fingers to start prying the bracket off. You might end up bending it a bit, but you can bend it back to shape.
Just be careful not to rip up the black insulating material (mylar, I think). Don't worry about the double sided tape too much, even if it comes off completely, just be careful with the black insulating material. If you do damage it, you can always replace it with some standard electrical tape.
Also, you may want to get yourself some spare thermal pads. I am not sure what size fits properly on the 970M. The stock green ones are .75mm thick which is a rare size and only cover the VRAMs for the stock cards that came with the M15X. If they are intact and fit the 970M, you should be fine re-using them.
Most aftermarket cards I've tried work fine with 1mm thermal pads for the VRAMs and VRM chokes (the square grey blocks). Ideally, you also want to put pads on the Mosfets but that will require thicker pads (probably around 5mm). You can also usually stack your pads to achieve a desired height. Some people, including myself, don't bother with the Mosfets though.
If you do get new thermal pads, get good ones and try to stay away from the generic stuff from China. I've had good results with Arctic Cooling pads and Phobya pads. They stick well and compress well, unlike the generic ones I've used. I also recommend K5-Pro thermal pad replacement paste (a very viscous paste that is designed to replace standard thermal pads).
Oh and of course get yourself some good thermal paste for the GPU core. I highly recommend Gelid GC Extreme.
Here is where thermal pads are designed to go:
deadsmiley and Rairch like this. -
Funnily enough I have just been reading about thermal pads. Very informative post, ta very much.
Have purchased some 0.5mm Arctic pads will get some 1mm aswell I think.
With all the info on here should a breeze to get it running!️
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Yet another GPU upgrade question..........
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by Rairch, Aug 31, 2016.