Since i saw the M15x has a WPAN card besides the wireless one ive been thinking if i could replace it with the WirelessHD card - is this possible and has anyone done it? Does it work?
And has anyone ever found any use for the WPAN?
ElectricTurtle Notebook Consultant
I don't think anyone on this forum has ever tried this, maybe u could be the first one
Id somehow have to get my hands on one of those WirelessHD cards, but im not an owner of any AW laptop that uses it to just order one...
Dell says it wont work in the M15x as it needs sandy bridge. One thing the M15x cant do i guess...
In theory Sandybridge shouldn't matter. I can plug an HDMI cable into the computer and the other end into a Wireless HD transmitter and have it work.
u may have seen this before but ill put it out here just in case its a pretty good read
Thanks, interesting read . Cant have the Intel solution without integrated graphics and it lags, so no gaming on it and the widi costs a fortune to setup and it wont work through walls...
Ive settled with an Xtreamer Pro (streaming shares through wireless) for now as an alternative. -
good choice, congrat on being a new M15x owner too
WirelessHD in M15x
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by HeavenCry, Oct 14, 2011.