Anyone tryed Windows 10 on m15x?
I'll try today at night, i'll post results!
Here link for W10 preview and download Windows - Microsoft Windows .
fatboyslimerr Alienware M15x Fanatic
Are you going to run it on a virtual machine or load it on a partition? I'm tempted to try too but don't want to compromise my day-to-day computing.
Alienware-L_Porras Company Representative
I have it running on mine, no issues at all, i needed to install the chipset drivers to get the warning triangles off in device manager and had to find an updated drive fall sensor. no issues installing the command centre either and its working fine. Only thing bugging me would be the brightness control not working, that is an AMD driver issue though.
Hmm, one word comes to mind: why?
why did i install it? I have 2 hard drives which i can swap out at any point, my 1tb hybrid has my stock windows 7 install and i had windows 8.1 on a 500gb drive. Why would i install it?? Why not! i lose nothing and wanted to try it.
FYI - some people have noticed an improvement in frame rates when gaming on windows 10, although i have yet to test it out, at the moment some games don't work, like battlefield 4. and the ping spike issue that was an issue with windows 8 and 8.1 is still present in 10 with intel wireless cards. -
I do not like, still insist Metro.
What I have in a virtual machine and does not see any significant change to 7. -
Should work fine. Windows 8.1 works fine on the m15x as well so Windows 10 shouldn't be a problem.
This is at lest trying it in Windows 10, it may or may not work...But it's worth a shot. Hope this helps. -
King of Interns Simply a laptop enthusiast
already? Windows 8 is pretty new!
fatboyslimerr Alienware M15x Fanatic
Downloading Windows 10 preview at the moment. Anyone else trying this? How does it work on M15x?
Should work fine on the m15x since windows 8.1 runs fine. The free fall sensor driver may fail to install and may need to be manually installed, but everything else should work fine.
fatboyslimerr likes this. -
fatboyslimerr Alienware M15x Fanatic
Did anyone install using usb? I don't have a DVD drive so going the usb route. Windows usb tool works?
fatboyslimerr Alienware M15x Fanatic
You can't install Win 10 onto a HDD connected via USB I just discovered. Not sure what to do now as I don't want to partition boot SSD or my data HDD.
Pretty easy to interchange the primary HDD slot right? -
Windows 7: July 22, 2009
Windows 8: August 1, 2012
Windows 10: Late 2015
The trend looks like roughly every 3 years to me. -
fatboyslimerr Alienware M15x Fanatic
Anyone on the latest build? 10072 of something. Getting a few BSOD with DPC watchdog something or other message.
How is it running for everyone else? Any driver problems? -
You will of course have drivers problems and many many other problems. These builds are prepared to install in Virtual Machine. If you install it on real computer then I can only wish you luck...
fatboyslimerr Alienware M15x Fanatic
Driver problem sorted. It wasn't anything to do with my system, its listed as a general bug on MS website.
Using older driver fixed the problem -
I upgraded a few nights ago and have had zero issues. Had recently updated all my bios and drivers to the latest versions prior to upgrade. Performance is notably better, which is saying something given that I still run a vanilla machine.
King of Interns likes this. -
Now had an almost fully upgraded machine (apart from the CPU) and I've still not had any issues with W10. Only exception could be the GPU-Sound card clash I'm experiencing but no way of knowing if that's a W7 vs W10 issue. Suspect it isn't, much more likely to be an i/o priority clash between the two sets of drivers.
Winbdows 10 on M15x possible work ?
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by Azshalasa, Oct 6, 2014.