need to know what would be the best driver for ocing, the one i have right now, it crashes repetedly and i cant oc any higher that 750.
Driver Packaging Version 8.861-110524a-120880C-ATI
Catalyst Version 11.6
Provider ATI Technologies Inc.
2D Driver Version
2D Driver File Path /REGISTRY/MACHINE/SYSTEM/ControlSet001/Control/CLASS/{4D36E968-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}/0000
Direct3D Version
OpenGL Version
Catalyst Control Center Version 2011.0525.11.41627
You'll need to adjust the voltage if you can't get higher clocks with your current driver. But watch your temps. And keep in mind that the voltage only affects the core clock, not the memory clocks.
so is there any driver i can get that would not freak out on me when i go over 750?
like in cod4 i oc it to about 800 (core clock) 1050 GPU voltage and 1050 mem and it freaks out and stalls and then the driver crashes and its just annoying as hell lol
maybe im doing something wrong? -
Like I said, up the voltage. Some cards can handle 800MHz and more on stock clocks, yours doesn't seem to be one of them.
R u using trixx to oc or amd tools? Cuz i can always go higher on trixx
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Some have gotten the best o/c or benchmarking performance from the Cat 11.7 drivers. Try here:
Use TriXX ( Sapphire Technology - TriXX Tweak Utility) to increase GPU voltage to 1.10v. If that's not enough to support 800/1050 on your card, you will need to modify and flash the vbios to increase the 3d voltage to 1.05, which will permit TriXX to raise voltage on up to 1.15, but a card that needs 1.15v to support those levels is telling you that it is not happy and may become unstable. -
Thanks rev, i will try to see what i can do, after they replaced my card for this new one.... im kind of skeptical about it tho, how do i know if they replaced it with a 5850 and not something else, it says 5800 series but idk, my old card i could clock over 750 and have no problems, this one im having to almost freak out when i oc and the screen turns black and the whole system locks up for a couple of sec's.
im dl the drivers right now -
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
The 11.6 drivers have a tendency to do that, so do the 11.8's, though less often. Cards can vary enormously with regard to their o/c capacity. In my original R3, the 6990M would easily o/c to 840-850/1200, depending on the app. The 6990M in my replacement R3 struggles mightily to o/c to 800/1100. It happens more than it ought to.
yeah still no luck, i even down clocked it from 750/1010/1010
and it even freaks out when i down clock it........ what cloud i do to make it like it was before the glorious 850/1050/1050? -
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Just rebooting ought to do it.
Ok major problems,
first i played cod4 and the temps got to 109 random game stuttering and the computer froze on multiple occasions.
Second the CPU side and the GPU side get incredibly hot.
I took out the heat sink for the gpu and re pasted the gpu to inap standards.
i know for a fact it shouldnt be getting this hot, at idle it sits at 56, full load it hits about 109-123
i have left the clocks at default and then the game hits around 20 fps.
stealth mode is not on (checked multiple times) the back is propped up with an empty magazine(lol) and it gets good airflow.
im in a desperate situation and i am considering buyng some artic silver but i cant find the damn thing. In Israel its hard to find, computer stores just have your generic white paste(which im using as of right now) and it does bugger all.
so is my card non oc able or is it just the paste thats hindering me from doing anything?
any help much appreciated. -
Now its just chilling at 85 idle lol
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Man, those temps are scary. Unfortunately, there's no way to know what kind of GPU you have or its o/c'ing potential until temps are under control. And that takes decent paste and/or thermal pads. Hoping you can find a mail order source. I'd recommend MX-4 if you can find it. Sorry for your struggles.
thanks, the temps rise on idle! what is going on? is their any way to find out? my fan doesnt sound loud at all, alot quieter than my cpu....
i need to try to make a vid of these jumps in temps, kinda funny but kinda scary lol.57-56-87-97-50 its like it has a mind of its own! -
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Download and install HWiNFO64: HWiNFO64 Download, Click on the Sensors tab and it will provide detailed temperature data. It also shows fan speed in RPM for both CPU and GPU, so you can see both temp rise on each component and fan response to the increase(s). The speed and degree of temp increase you're experiencing sounds more like CPU than GPU, so watch both carefully.
Ok ordered artic silver 5 and hopefully it should be here soon!.
Btw anything i can buy on ebay like upgrades and such? could someone make a list of things i could upgradepretty please!
Whats the best Driver for oc'ing
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by ettehbrute, Sep 6, 2011.