got bf3, installed it, got the new drivers, it crashed halfway through and gave me a bsod, now my res wont go any higher than 1400/1050 and on saphire it says my clocks are at zero....
i cent even put new drivers on the comp now, it says that they cant be installed and the program quits and says that none of the drivers were installed.. now im stuck.... again no overclocking this time....
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Be a little more specific. Which drivers were installed originally. Which drivers did you try to install that caused the issue?
try cleaning the existing drivers (failed installation) in safe mode using driver sweeper.
then reboot and install drivers again. if you get another bsod, try different drivers.
Whats going on?!!!
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by ettehbrute, Oct 25, 2011.