The touch panel, which also houses the power on/off button, is very slightly bowed up in the middle. You probably wouldn't notice it if it wasn't pointed out to you, since it's only raised by about a millimeter or two, gradually rising from about quarter of the length inwards from each side.
I ignored this, but now I've noticed that there are marks on the screen where the raised part has been rubbing when the lid is closed.
My question is, how would you approach this from a logging of a call issue, and has anyone had glass replaced due to this sort of fault before.
In fact, has anyone else got a slightly raised touch panel? It's more noticeable when you look at it with your eyes at the same level as the keyboard, then you can see the profile rise in the middle above the F5 to F11.
I have tried to fix this, the panel does have a catch in the middle as well as one at each end, but the middle one just doesn't seem to catch on anything.
I'd like advice on how to approach this.
Phone them up, you might get a replacement. Have you tried removing the whole thing and put it back again? If all fails, Inap has a few on sale: -
I would call them and tell them to replace it since its making marks on the screen. Mine is raised too in the middle right where you've described. It hasn't done any damage yet so I'm okay with it.
What would you do? Support advice!
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by jarvmeister, May 24, 2011.