Hey guys, i've been having this weird problem for a month now.. its related to many programs such as:
Mozilla Firefox, iTunes, VLC media player, and more.
the problem is the extra window pop-up will never POP, such as when u click download on any link for a browser, the window wont popup to save the file.
for iTunes, i cant "add" any file to library, because the window wont show up when i press Ctrl+O
is there any fix of this? i dont even know what caused this problem..i tried other browser such as Google Chrome, and there's the same problem.
GallardosEggrollshop Notebook Evangelist
Seems like an operating system issue as supposed to an issue with the M15x. I would recommend that you reformat your HDD. That should fix any underlying issues with your OS. Unless of course someone else has some better insight on the problem
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
It's just a setting telling apps how to handle downloads. I'll have to look around for a minute to find it, but it's an easy fix.
Edit: In Chrome, go to Control (the wrench), click on Options/Under the Hood and designate the default download location you want. You can also tell it to ask where to save before each download.
In IE9, click on the Gear icon (far right of Menu bar), View Downloads, Options (bottom left) and then select a default download folder. -
the window just won't pop up at all to save the file..i think i'll have to reformat
any other ideas? -
Yes, take a deap breath and format your PC.
just did a clean install and everything is working perfectly.
ty for advice
Weird problem with Windows or M15x fault?
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by Res-, Mar 6, 2011.