Hi guys, because i'm planning to change my gfx card and get a caddy i've decided to just do a massive overhaul my system
so my plan is to also change my wlan card and get bluetooth 3.0
watching the teardown video i suspect that this Newegg.com - Intel Ultimate N 633ANHMW Ultimate N 633ANHMW Wireless Adapter Mini PCI Express Up to 450Mbps Wireless Data Rates 64/128-Bit WEP, WPA, WPA2 card would work as a replacement to the original thing because the m15x also uses 3 antennas
the question now is do you guys know is it possible to upgrade the m15x with 3.0 bluetooth?
I'd suspect that the bluetooth is in the wpan card so do any of you know the part i could get?
So yeah do you guys know whether I can get bluetooth 3.0 for my m15x?
WLAN and WPAN Cards
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by gunner1905, Sep 13, 2011.