So I just installed a
new i7-920xm
8GB Patriot Ram
put new GPU fan
I was having trouble with the power ribbon cable and think I may have messed that up. I just ordered a new ribbon HERE
I put everything back the way it was and my laptop still won't boot up, even tried one by one each different item. I am really thinking I just jacked up that ribbon cable, scheduled to be delievered the 10th - 17th. WIsh me luck
Any other trouble shooting I should do? thanks in advance.
Is that the ribbon that connects to the alienware power button? Just out of curiousity, how did you mess it up as I recently popped in a 920xm and it went ok?
Well I thought the ribbon just slipped in, didn't realize there was a small hatch. I didn't think I forced it but eventually figured that out and put it back in.
I did notice I am getting no power to anything, no led on the numpad, scroll lock ect.
Everything ran fine before, is it possible my motherboard went out? -
If you've removed each stick of ram one by one and still has no fire, I'm willing to bet you damaged the ribbon cable going to the panel that contains all your buttons. Even a bad GPU would give you some flashing indicator lights, even the motherboard is suppose too flash some lights.
Start with the cable, it's a cheap start....
That tiny cable is a pain... I'm always worried about bending it to sharply and damaging it. I'd be lost if I didn't have my system for a week or more. A day would be torture. -
Yeah i ordered the part, waiting till the 10th-17th for it I will update if that fixes it.
Alienware-L_Porras Company Representative
Upgrading parts and now won't boot up....
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by Aaron Nix, Mar 6, 2015.