So I bought my m15x a few years ago and it's starting to struggle while running newish games. My GPU is pretty crappy and needs an upgrade ASAP. The only problem is I don't have a clue what to upgrade it with. I'm not looking for some super GPU. Just a GPU good enough to run newish games on at least medium settings. Here's my specs.
CPU - Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU Q 740 @ 1.73GHz
GPU - NVIDIA GeForce GT 240M
Windows 7 home premium 64 bit.
Also, would anyone recommend getting a used GPU for much cheaper? If so, where?
both the nvidia 460m and 560m are cheap and cheerful, or you have the ati 5850 or 5870 again both can be bought from ebay cheaply. and should run your games at mid settings.
other things you mite think about upgrading is the hdd to a sdd, this will give a good boost in performance.
try and purchase dell branded cards also.
there is many many threads about upgrading the alienware m15x. just have alook around -
Unfortunately, Ebay isn't an option for me. I did try to look up the 460/560m on amazon and new egg, but all that I found are pcs that had it built in. Either that or it was the Ti version or something. I'm not sure if I'm searching it wrong or what. I feel like an idiot. =p
theres forums have a market place were graphics cards are often sold give that a shot. Computer Components
Alienware-L_Porras Company Representative
Upgrade help.
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by N1TT0, Jul 20, 2013.