Alright I bought a graphics card off of ebay, a Nvidia gtx 460m. I took my m15x apart and installed the card and it fits almost perfectly. The only issue is that to screw it in, the screw into part *stay with me, I'm not a carpenter lol* is too small and the screws are not interchangeable, so I can't screw it into my laptop. (If that needs clarification, I can provide a picture, I just don't feel like opening my laptop back up right now.) Anyway I uninstall my previous drivers for my 260m, and then I place the 460m in, but when I turn my laptop on, all it does is stay a black screen and then beeps at me. So I'm wondering if the screws are that big a deal and that's why it isn't working, or is my graphics card fubar'd? The pics of the graphics card are below.
I just went from a 240m to a 460m about 2 weeks ago, I used all of the same parts/pieces from my 240m (screws, x clamp etc...) that may not be the right card (I do not know though, someone else can chime in on that). It should just swap in (you may need to use the bracket from the 260m....).
You need to update your bios to A09 most likely, I tired to install the 460m on A03 and beeped/would not work.
The 460m will work without drivers, you do not need to uninstall the 260m, just get the 460m drivers from the nvidia website after you boot up. -
Alright. I read somewhere, I think around here in all honesty, that not all 460m fit in an alienware. Is there any truth to that?
redandblack1287 Notebook Consultant
You need to take out the entire x-clamp (mounting bracket) that you are trying to screw onto the heatsink and replace it with the one that is on your 240m. That card will definitely fit your machine, it just has the wrong mounting bracket on it.
If you've already replaced the mounting bracket, I have no idea why the screws would suddenly not fit anymore
Edit: If you're like I was when I first upgraded my 240m, you might not realize what that the mounting bracket is and that it is removable. The thing shaped like this in your picture:
/ \
that the screws are going into can be completely removed. Just be careful with it and push it out, then replace it with the other one. -
here take a look at this thread
that heat sink in your pics did the card come with that? if its not a dell card than you will need to flash the vbios aswell...... and you really should have invested more time in research before doing the swap... and i would never sit my card on a towel like that -
I seen that as well with the heat sinks lol, that is why I wondered if it was even the right card/dell card. Laptop monkey has 460m dell cards for $250, plug and play.
Ok I installed the new bios, A09, installed the new card again, but after about 10 seconds, my laptop shuts off. The mounting bracket that is already in my laptop has the screws and they have like a washer welded to it so I can't changed them out. The mounting bracket that came with the graphics card doesn't fit inside the laptop properly.
And @ Mexic00ls what else should I be researching? And yes you are right about the graphics card shouldn't be on a towel. That was my bad. -
I don't think the heatsink is sitting properly, you need to get shorter screws. Are you using the xplate from the 260m?
ok this is the plate from my laptop
I can't get the screws out of it to get a proper fit. I have the screws that DO fit the 460m, I just can't use them because I can't get the other screws out of the mount. -
Those are eclips on the screws you can pull them out, i did you just have to be a bit forceful
redandblack1287 Notebook Consultant
-_________- not gonna lie I feel pretty retarded. I see what you are saying now. Ok, so how do I remove it and replace it because the last thing I want to do is crack the card.
redandblack1287 Notebook Consultant
Its one or the other now its either the backplate or the screws, personally i think the screws are alot easier to deal with. If your going to remove the backplate dont pry with anything metal.
What i found was easiest when I upgraded my 460m to a 6990m was to put a small screwdriver i. The hole of the backplate and push it out slowly cause now E pressure isnt focused on the GPU noe its on the backplate.
Ok so ok switched the mounts and it screwed in perfect. I installed the 460m, turned on my computer and it automatically updated the drivers with no problem and restarted. The only thing is that now my laptop randomly shuts off after being on for a couple minutes. As far as I know everything is updated and like I said I updated to the A09.
redandblack1287 Notebook Consultant
Yeah I think you need to look into updating the vbios like a few other people had mentioned earlier. I can't help you there, though
I downloaded the latest update from dell and put it on a cd. I updated it but at the end it said invalid display index specified. Also it still shuts off after about three minutes. I'm determined to get this to work... lol
is the gpu fan working? what are the gpu temps? might be thermal shutdowns....
what kind of thermal paste are you using?
I can't keep it on long enough to run pc wizard and check the temp. It doesn't get any hotter than when I play skyrim, although I do know it shouldn't get that hot just on startup, but I don't think it's getting hot enough to warrant a shutdown. Of course I have no real idea how hot it is getting because before I can start up any program, it shuts off. Both fans are plugged in and working properly and I also have my laptop sitting on a fan that elevates it and it doesn't block any of the internal fans of the laptop. Also everything is dust free.
Thats all good and well, but did you apply thermal paste onto the gpu metal square area? Did you also apply thermal pads on the vram?
Ok I got some arctic silver on the gpu and so far so good. I just want to thank everyone that helped me here. I do appreciate it.
redandblack1287 Notebook Consultant
Updating the graphics card
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by stumpyninjacow, Jun 10, 2012.