If there is already a thread that inquires this topic, then I do apologize.
I've seen many NBR members that have the specs of their M15x listed in their signatures. From time to time, I'll see a member that has an M15x with USB 3.0. I am just curious as to what steps are taken to make this possible. Thanks!
Expresscard USB 3.0 adapter. Beware, most of them are a PIA to get working well.
I'm using an AKE 3.0 54mm express card in my m18x r2 (also worked in my m17x r2) from ebay.
Not sure what classifies as working well but I get 60-75mb/s transfer rate from old usb 3.0 harddriver.
The hardest thing is getting the drivers on to the computer as they send you a small driver which doesn't really work to well in the slot load tray, you can download them tho. -
King of Interns Simply a laptop enthusiast
They also have a habit of popping out. Make sure this doesn't happen mid transfer lol.
Alienware-L_Porras Company Representative
Thanks for the quick responses!
I figured the solution was probably an expresscard. haha
I have no real need for USB 3.0 at this point in time but I grew more and more curious when I'd see it in a signature every so often. Maybe I'll pick an expresscard up down the road.
USB 3.0 for M15x?
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by ToxicTension, Mar 25, 2014.