I've spent a good couple hours on this now. I have tried to HP USB tool for created flash boot disks and then copying the files for A09 directly. The error I receive: PHLASH16 error when the computer is trying to load the W6702M.A09.
After doing some digging I saw some info about moving to A01->A02->A08->A09 but when trying to move from my A06->A08 I received the exact same PHLASH16 error only this time for the file W6702M.A08
Any help would be appreciated. At the moment the CD burner in the laptop does not work so flash drives are the way I'm going to have to do this.
Thanks in advance for any help,
the usb install method for bios A09 is broken and burning to cd at slow speed is the only way. but having said that you could in theory use a older bios files and simply add the files w6702m.A09, w6702mb.a09 & w6702mb.a09 bin and that should in theory work.
let us know how it goes if you decide to try. -
perhaps the phlash16 is corrupted, take it from another bios version and try
Alienware-L_Porras Company Representative
Just follow the other method, burn it into a CD and boot from it. If you are not experiencing any issues then just leave it as it is since BIOS updates are only released for specific issues.
As I stated I am having some issues. Including poor performance. Random activation of stealth mode. Games that run perfectly one day, and then lag horribly the next day (checking that stealth if off, obviously).
I unfortunately have one of the M15x with a 260M and as far as I can see the BIOS update is recommended for these machines specifically due to problems they suffer.
I also said in my original post that the CD drive isn't working properly and I can't use that method.
Do you have any other ways I could do it? Thanks -
I would buy or borrow an external CD drive and give it a try.
Alienware-L_Porras Company Representative
I get a weird issue with the EC flash and have not succeeded there yet. 'y' doesn't work, neither does 'Y'
I can use DOS fairly well though and a simple 'dir' command shows me a number of files I could run. What would the manual command to flash the EC be?
Thanks -
You wont get the proper benefits of that bios flash for the 260m. Reflash and use this for the ec flash, by typing DFLASH EC_W670.118 to dos prompt, press enter, then 'y' (props to Rev).
Troubles updating BIOS from A06 to A09.
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by DeviousAlpha, Sep 22, 2012.