This has just started doing this the last couple of times that I have shut the lid and left the laptop for a short time.
When I try to use the function key the light around the pad comes on but with still No function.
The only thing I am then forced to do is switch the power off then on.
The only thing I have done lately is install the PS3 controller drivers,, but havent heard of anyone else saying that caused any issues.
Is this a common fault or is there something I need to do to fix this?
Any ideas most welcome, cheers.
Its like happening all the time now. Its even doing it if I just close the lid down for a second.
When I open the lid back up ,, it takes me straight away to the windows user login screen ,, but with no touchpad function
, have I disabled something unknowingly ???????
Help -
Silly idea, did you try a newer version of the driver?
Latest Synaptics Touchpad drivers - LaptopVideo2Go Forums -
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Fn+F12 toggles the touchpad light, not the function. If the touchpad is disabled, turning the light on does not turn the function on. If you have Mouse Properties (Device) set to disable internal pointing device (touchpad) when an external USB pointing device is attached, then it will be disabled when game controller is attached. The PS3 controller is just another mouse to the computer. If you don't want it disabled. uncheck the disable option.
If you have the computer set to go to Sleep when the lid is closed, you probably need to uncheck the option to require a password when it wakes from sleep. Or tell it to shut down or do nothing when you close the lid to avoid the sleep/password issue. -
Cheers for the suggestions guys.
I should have the latest drivers as I have only had the laptop a week straight from Dell, and I dont seem to be having any of the other well known touchpad issues. I'm a bit wary of installing new drivers for the touchpad in case I end up with some of those "other" issues.
I noticed that If I touch the Alienhead once quickly when this happens that it puts the laptop back into sleep mode and when I press it a further one time it comes back on with full touchpad use. So it might actually turn out to be a good security option to use.
When this happens by the way the PS3 controller is NOT attached and I do have it set up not to disable when another device is attached. I only mention it as it never happend before I installed the PS3 drivers. May look into another contoller option.
Will also have a look at the sleep options. The password security isnt something I need at home, but come in useful when I take the laptop into work on nights.
Cheers for the help,, much appreciated
I've noticed that when you don't have 'disable internal pointing device when external usb device is attached' option checked, the FN+F12 combo will turn the touchpad function on and off entirely, not just the light.
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Learn something new every day. I disable the touchpad when a mouse is attached, which is always, so have never seen Fn-F12 toggle the function as well as the light. Good catch.
I reinstall windows on my M15x semi-regularly, and it would always happen. I figured out that you need to install the synaptics drivers first(make sure that annoying "disable internal mouse" thing is unchecked), reboot, and then install Command Center(I'd always install command center first before).
If you're not on a clean install I'd think uninstalling command center(rebooting) and then the synaptics driver would allow you to install them again in the proper order.
Hope this helps!
Touchpad disabling ??
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by stevotrueblue, Feb 20, 2011.