So...i've had the witcher 2 sitting on my desk for a few days now, (i've been glued to my xperia play for a while, ah gaming nostalgia ), anyway...then i thought u D**K! get this game installed now!
After install and bonus content downloaded, i booted the game up to get an amazing 6fps (max) in the into fmv!!!
Stealth mode is defo not on, also just installed nvidia drivers 270.61 not too long ago aswell. Fans all cleaned out as i do this every month. Temps all fine 41c idle for GPU 38-44c idle for CPU.
any ideas??? re-install drivers is looking like my only hope lol
I know you said its no on, but try toggling stealth again.
Also make sure you are plugged in -
hi, cheers.
yeah tried toggling stealth. it's defo not that. (whoever designed the tough strip needs shooting, damn stealth button)
Just installed 275.27 nvidia drivers, testing now....
hope to god this works, such a good looking game... -
so just installed newest drivers. getting around 17fps in intro and 15-25gameplay. a bit choppy, will have to mess around with the settings, playing at max resolution at the moment, might tone down a tad)
If you're running a 260m, it's not too surprising; it's effectively an 8800GT.
This helped me out immensely The Witcher 2 – Performance Issue on nVidia Cards linearskillz i had horribad fps even at medium, after this it's smooth. Good luck with it!
I must be just lucky then...
I play Witcher2 on my M17xR3 which was a replacement to my M15x(both in sig) and I get around 35-45fps at 1080p/high(AA=0,MotionBlur=off). I play in a OC'd 460M at 820/1410/1560 and gameplay seems very smooth. I'm also using latest nVidia beta drivers and the fix that is posted above. -
260M is an old card. It's crap by todays standards really.
Oh and have you checked Stealth Mode??? -
Just installed it and with medium settings (vsync turned off) I can only get 17-25fps
Yeah, after OC'ed to 780/1460 on medium settings (full HD, vsync and SSOA off) I can get 30fps average. I'll need to repaste my GPU because with Dell's thermal paste after 1h of playing GPU's temp will reach 82-83c
I have the GTX460m in my m15x (6gb ram, i7) and I DEFINITELY am not getting those FPS with Witcher 2. I'm averaging around 20-25 FPS and I just uninstalled that 3D driver from that tip. And thats with overclocking. I was wondering, you said you're core clock is at 820. On MSI my core clock max's out at 745. How can that be if we have the same card?
Also what are your in game settings? Are you using the default HIGH settings with just AA+motionblur off? -
To overclock higher, use EVGA precision. Also Sgt. is on a M17x R3 which from what I have seen has better overclocking headroom in terms of power and cooling.
If this is the retail CD, you should look up the performance difference regarding the non DRM version. Uninstall Nvidia 3D as well.
I'd check this out if you bought the game from anywhere other than -
So I assume I'm having issues with framerate because of the DRM problem since I'm also getting that super long loading screen time.
I didn't get the game on GOG, does anyone know where to get the GOG .exe file? Please PM me. I've tried googling it can't find anything. -
Nevermind I found that GOG .exe file and while it improves the loading screen I'm still only getting like 20FPS while fighting.
Thats with default HIGH settings with no AA, motionblur, SSAO.
Is it normal that I'm getting those kinds of FPS with the 460m?
I'm overclocking too and it doesn't seem to do much. Anyone know if this is 100% normal or if it's an issue with the game? -
Here is my config -
The Happy Swede Notebook Evangelist
I have an i7 820QM and a 260m, and im only getting 22FPS when on 1080p... i have most of the things disabled such as SSAO, AA, DoF, Motion blur and those... This is really bothering me, i have tried uninstalling the 3d drivers and swapping the D2D exe with the GoG exe and nothing seems to work. Any ideas why this might be happening?
From what I've gathered Dell underclocks this video card through BIOS or something.
My core clock maxes out at 745 on MSI afterburner. What OC software are you using to get to 770? And do you know what I'm talking about regarding the 460m or is this news to you? -
Use evga precision. It will allow higher clocks.
Edit: Yeah the manufacturers generally don't set the clock speeds anywhere near the maximum capable from what I understand. I'm sure others could give better insight on this.
NVIDIA DRIVERS 6.06Attached Files:
So add me to the list of Alienware M15X owners who are unable to play The Witcher 2 :-(
It's extremely frustrating. I don't expect to be able to play with Ultra-Ubersampling, but seriously, with all the effects turned down to the minimum my beefy laptop should be able to handle it. I've got the i7 940XM, which was basically the best laptop processor you could buy when I got the thing in December. I realize it's not December anymore... but seriously, I should be able to run this thing (also got the GeForce GXT 460M, which should be capable of running The Witcher 2 on moderate settings). I've got support ticket requests in with and CD Projekt but due to the timezone difference no response yet... we'll see if I get any movement.
I was able to get a somewhat playable framerate by taking the game resolution all the way down to 800x600 and running in Windowed mode, but at that resolution, the in game text becomes difficult to read. Plus, who wants to play at 800x600 resolution? Looks like it's back to the 360 for me until there are some better patches/drivers to optimize this thing. -
@ cor2879 I am assuming that you have already patched your Witcher 2 to version 1.1.
yes, I actually patched it before I ever started playing. If the patch improves performance I'd hate to see what it was like before...
Problem solved! I was running in "Stealth Mode" Turned it off, turned up the GPU clock speed to 750 MHz, now no (major) issues with The Witcher 2!
stealth mode is a pain in the )
The Happy Swede Notebook Evangelist
Im still only gettin around 20-25 fps in Flotsam after the patch... Which is kinda disappointing since i get around 60-75 fps in BFBC2 on high...
The Witcher 2 performance....oh dear!
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by Rairch, May 19, 2011.