I'm just making this thread to say thank you to everyone on this forum who has posted so much useful advice and shared their knowledge over the years. I knew next to nothing about how to fix or upgrade my laptop before coming here and had tried other forums with mixed results. I can now completely disassemble this laptop and put it back together. I've swapped out the motherboard, gotten rid of the broken Blu-ray drive, swapped out the CPU, reapplied thermal paste, and replaced the palm rest. I've also finally gotten this overclocking thing down good enough for my needs. I have just figured out how to use task scheduler to automatically overclock my GPU with Afterburner, overclock the CPU with ThrottleStop, and set custom fan profiles with HWiNFO64. I learned all of this from reading through this forum (and maybe watching a Youtube tutorial or two). The posters here are excellent people, and I just felt like I should say thank you.
Thank you so much!
This is a very good forum. Tons of knowledge here.
Sent from my overpriced Galaxy S6 Edge +kosti and MatsueMaiku like this.
Thanks Alienware M15 Members and Notebook Review Forum
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by MatsueMaiku, Jul 19, 2016.