Ok guys, I have had my M15 since 2010 and so far have had nothing but pure enjoyment from it. Around a month ago I started experiencing minor lag in games, so I opened her up cleaned her as I do every month and went back on playing, now, the lag has gotten worse and I don't really know what to do, I have ruled it our from different games and using my external hard drive vs my hard drive in the machine itself. So I started Defrag and nothing really happens except for 3 hours of my life I want back lol, now I have done chdsk and it says there are no problems. Could it be possible that the hd is broken? Everything runs really slow, I disabled the third party boot up programs and still not much of a difference. Any help is awesome help.
Make sure Stealth Mode is not enabled.
Have you completed a Respawn (factory reset)?
fatboyslimerr Alienware M15x Fanatic
Try Windows 10? Or generally just try a fresh install of OS? Upgrading to an SSD will give you a massive boost in "zippiness"
Check Stealth, then check defrag, then check temperatures, then check air vents, then repaste gpu. If nothing, burn the haunted house
Alienware-L_Porras Company Representative
Super lag
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by ettehbrute, Sep 28, 2015.