Hey all,
I recently replaced the CPU on my machine and noticed that I didn't have any thermal pads on the heatsink or die. I didn't check the GPU because I wasn't all that concerned (my temps are great) but I was wondering if the CPU is supposed to have thermal pads or what's the deal?
Thanks in advance!
TheHighlightGuy Notebook Consultant
ElectricTurtle Notebook Consultant
I think mine has thermal pads somewhere around the CPU (the last time i opened it was abt 2 or 3 months ago and i have a very bad memory), but i'm pretty sure that there were thermal pads.
Yes the cpu does have 1 strip of thermal pad on the top portion of the cpu heatsink, while the gpu heatsink has 2 top and side. there really is no need to replace it(cpu thermal pad) if it is not damaged or causing heat problems. if u did not remove it u can reuse it, if u did i suggest purchasing thermal pads asap -
TheHighlightGuy Notebook Consultant
Thanks for the confirmation ElectricTurtle & Mexic00ls.
That's just the thing, though it didn't come with ANY thermal pad.
I just got off the phone with AW support, actually...the guy I talked to confirmed that it was supposed to come with thermal pads. I told him (stupidly) that my temps are fine but I don't want them to get higher and I want to keep them as low as possible (I'll be using this machine for the next 3 years or so in college and it needs to last) so he told me since it's not in imminent danger that it's ok and they're not gonna send me any/rectify the situation unless I get Complete Care warranty for $147 for the 2 months left of my warranty.
He also said that thermal pads "disappear" after a while...yeah...I'm not too sure. -
Disappearing thermal pads (shakes head)... there is no end to Dell's bull
lol wow i actually believe they, would say something like that
ElectricTurtle Notebook Consultant
Lol what the heck??? Thermal pads disappear after some time XD, this joke made my day lol XD.
Anyway, just order some thermal pads and apply them yourself, they're better than the stock ones. It's not too hard to do and u need to clean your laptop every once in a while so why not? -
TheHighlightGuy Notebook Consultant
lol I'm completely serious, the guy (Adam) told me they disappear. I just shook my head and said Ok.
@ElectricTurtle: I know, I'm planning on it. I pasted the CPU b/c it was a new 920XM but I haven't worked on the GPU b/c my temps are fantastic (max 69 C under 99% load) and if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
I clean out the vents and inside the laptop with canned air but not much else.
I was just hoping I could get some thermal pads out of 'em considering they're supposed to come with my system already, but oh well.
They wouldn't help me with the missing rubber stoppers on the palm rest, but I'm not all that upset about it. -
ElectricTurtle Notebook Consultant
If i were u, i would call and ask them to bring a new palm rest along with the thermal pads XD
TheHighlightGuy Notebook Consultant
It's "only cosmetic damage" though and that isn't covered! (per the rep) But if I buy the Complete Care warranty they "can look into making an exception" lol I'm gonna call again tomorrow and see what I can manage to get.
Just get thermal pads of your own. The Dell stuff is fine but you have the opportunity now to get some fujipoly or phobya ones.
TheHighlightGuy Notebook Consultant
Which would you recommend?
ElectricTurtle Notebook Consultant
Fujipoly is good (as inap said), you can buy some at frozenCPU (also thanks to inap XD)
TheHighlightGuy Notebook Consultant
Awesome, should I get the 1mm or .5mm?
.5 is the exact fix, but the 1 would work if fujipoly since they are squishy
TheHighlightGuy Notebook Consultant
thanks for the heads-up!
Stock thermal pads
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by TheHighlightGuy, Oct 15, 2011.