Got home today, and my computer says os not found.... Restarted and says the same thing. Any ideas?? Is my SSS dead?
is the ssd recognized in the bios?
Yes, but it is strange... It comes up as ssdsa. It does not look like it's reading it correctly though as it is now showing how much space is available. Also, I am getting an error message pxe-e61, media test failure, check cable.
hmmm first try resetting the bios. take out the cmos and do a battery drain.
Yeah, tried all of luck. I think my ssd has failed, I put the old samsung in and it works.
dang that sucks, was thinking of getting the same drive.
do you have a desktop or something that you can connect the ssd to. -
Ugh, no desktop... Now I have to fight the ati drivers, for some reason 11.5 hates my system.... The old SSd is from when I had the 260m
try installing an older driver then install the 11.5 on top of that without uninstalling the old driver. ati drivers are a pita sometimes.
also try turning off automatic driver install in windows. -
Sorry to hear about your SSD. -
Very frustrated, I cannot these drivers to work.
Hmm, you tried the modded mobility and it didn't work? What did it say?
After the windows screen pops up during boot it does Nothing, it just stays dark. Anyone have 11.4?
OK, when i try and download it asks what I want to open the file with???
Ah, sorry, it's a 7z file ( 7-zip), win rar should be able to open it as well I guess. It's like a .zip file, just an archive that needs to be extracted, then you have the installer file.
Ah, got it. Thanks for all the help. Still, it will be a week before Intel has a 320 600 GB SSD in stock, than I have to call back and give them the case number, then they will send me a replacement.
Glad it worked!
Wow, 600GB SSD drive...Btw, Intel just extended the warranty on their 320 drives from 3 years to 5, pretty cool imo.
My lasted 2 months, lol.
I mean mine....
I'm very happy with my 300GB drive so far. -
dang almost had a heart attack, thought my new ssd failed on me. was giving me the no os error. i serious thought i jack it up running benches. but i took it out, hugged it and gave it alittle kiss and out it back in and it started up again. phewww...
Awww, cute, it just wanted a little bit love
man was i relieved, thought i killed it. was gonna do some ac benching, so i left it off so it would get as cold as possible before turning it on. then when i press the alienhead and got the message, i felt like crap, hahaha stopped the benching for now but i did manage my best vantage yet and with no ac too. looks like dane is gonna be pissed, hahahaha
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Where's your most recent Vantage run?
Well, at least it's still working... would've really sucked, dead SSD.
Seen your score, amazing!! Congrats!
Edit: Here you go Rev, Inaps 16k vantage.... -
for real that would of sucked if it died and my scores would of been lost, ,hahahah
Ssd dead???
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by doc0075579, May 24, 2011.