Guys wondering if anyone else has noted anything similar. The other day whilst playing a Empire Total War my game crashed and went to the windows msg claiming game suffered error and windows would look for a resolution,, which as we all know never does.
It took my back to the desktop but kept the game pinter icon on my screen rather than my cursor. After waitiing couple of mins and unable to do anything , I attempted to switch my laptop on/off. When I pressed the button there was only what i could describe as a popping sound. My laptop then restartred and came back on as normal !!
Up till last night that was the only time in the couple of weeks that I have been playing the game that there had been any problem (and tbh any game can crash). However last night I noticed that the game seemed to be freezing when scrolling on the campaign map. It IS ALWAYS smooth when running the battles which should be more system demanding than the campaign map anyway. I had the game runnning for sevral hours,, but when i checked my graphics cards temp after it appeared fairly normal,,although i dont really know much about cards or heat issues
I have a very new laptop that shouldnt have any problem running this game (system spec below),, so wondering if this is a game issue or because the game had be on so long?? Sometimes when leaving the room , i just shut the lid and come back to it later,, so technically the game is still running
I have a couple of programs that can scan the card and sensors etc,, but like said I dont know what is good and what is bad when i read the results
Help and advice much appreciated
NVIDIA 1.5Gb 460M Graphics Card
Should you take breaks whilst playing to avoid overheat ??
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by stevotrueblue, Jul 7, 2011.