I'm running a Crystal Disk Mark to behchmark my SSD performance and I'm only getting 203.3 MB/s Reads and 23.83 MB's Writes
Is that normal performance on a SSD?
I'm assuming my writes should be a bit higher right?
I've done my research and I do have TRIM enabled (whatever that is)
Should I call Dell for a replacement?
Well in my BIOS I can only choose from AHCI to ATA, and AHCI is selected
Make sure you have installed the latest firmware for your drive, either from Dell's site, or Samsung's based on your drive model.
I have the same benchmark with my PM800, it seems all of these models suffer from this slow benchmark. I have the latest available firmware for my drive and I have AHCI enabled in the BIOS. No one has been able to find a "fix" if there is any. I've been looking for months and it seems any system with the PM800 models have the same or very similar benchmarks including HP/Lenovo systems.
For my ATA channel 0, 1, and 4 it's driver version 6.1.7601.17514
For my Intel 5 series 6 port driver version is
You need my Ricoh driver/device information also?
I need to update my firmware on my ssd but as EGM92 said since it has no affect on him, I'm not going to do it because I dont want to reinstall my OS -
You can use CrystalDiskMark to check how speed changed -
I ran Crystal Disk Mark and my results are 172 MB/s Read and 26.3 MB/s Write
I bought a new SSD from newegg Newegg.com - SAMSUNG 470 Series MZ-5PA128/US 2.5" 128GB SATA II Internal Solid State Drive (SSD)
I'm going to run Crystal Disk Mark once I get it installed and if I get good results then it's probably a bad SSD, if I still get poor Write speeds, then there's something wrong with my computer.
BTW James I do appreciate your help -
My read speeds are better then a typical mechanical hard drive correct?
Just my writes that are killing me -
"I believe 1-st SSD is slow"
Meaning 1st gen SSD?
I was told that my reads and writes on my current SSD is like 200MB/s Reads 50MB/s Writes
I hope my new SSD doesn't have any problems at all.
James when I reinstall windows 7 x64, windows 7 will auto configure itself with SSD configs right? -
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
What do you mean reinstall? Talking about formatting drive and make ussual Windows install? I heard that someone said something like that. But what I really know is that readyboost will not be offered if you have good SSD.
If superfetch, prefetch and other similar things will not be turned off then Windows 7 is not doing all automatically. I suggest you to read smth about SSD tweaks. Some of them are really useful. Try to search here or in Google. -
Thanks for that find Revelator,
Yeah my hoping once my new SSD comes in the performance should be what I expect in a SSD -
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
The Samsung 470 sounds very capable.
I have 2 samsung 470s and they are not bad at all. I get roughly 240MB Read/215MB Write per drive, and mine are the 256GB models. I think the advertised speeds are 250 Read/220 Write.
Mine are currently in RAID though, and here are the speeds using AS SSD benchmark:
So they are pretty good drives. They came with my R2 from Dell, PM810's, which are the 470 series drives. Older ones are the PM800, and I believe they released a firmware update on the download page for those drives. I think it is a destructive flash though, meaning it will wiple all data from the drive.
But if the drive is acting real slow and you bought it with your laptop and you still have warranty, call Dell and have them send you a replacement. They replaced all the PM800s with PM810s because of all the issues most people were having with the slow speeds, so they will most likely send you a PM810 (470). -
I tried upgrading to 10.1 from 7.0 for the AHCI. I rebooted, it loaded for a VERY long time with no HDD activity then a BSOD flashed instantly and the system rebooted. I restored the files and it booted up just fine.
Still sorry for that bad minutes you spent rolling back drivers. -
I did it exactly like you said, the link you linked to was to download a zip file though, I extracted the files into a folder. Went to device manager to the Intel series 5 chipset, navigated to the folder where I exacted the files. I did the upgrade, it said it was fine and it needed to restart. After that, I get the alienware bios screen, then black, about 50sec on of then BSOD and instant reboot.
Nice benchmarks man, that's pretty much like instant boot times I'd imagine.
I'll call Dell since I do still have my warranty in tact, they said that updating my BIOS would help which I don't think so, I'm running A07 withRivaTurner for better performance in my CPU since they downclock the CPU in A08 or A09 can't remember but I was reading it somewhere in this website. -
When you plug in an external HD USB 2.0, what's your typical transfer speeds? Basically mine would be half the speed of yours right? Since you got yours set up as raid? -
I actually do not have an external USB hard disk to try it out. But copying large files from USB flash sticks is pretty quick. a 500Mb file takes me about roughly less than 10 secs.
So I received my new SSD today and installed it, Im getting 242MB/s reads and 227 MB/s writes.
I reinstalled my OS all is fine, but I'm still using A07 BIOS because my CPU and GPU throttles. I was using Rivatuner to solve both my GPU and CPU throttling. Should I instal A09 BIOS and use throttle stop for my CPU? What about my GPU thorottling issues?
I cannot find that Rivatuner guide anymore, can anyone link it please?
My specs are in my sig. -
Good to see the SSD speeds are up. I told ya they would replace it with the 470 if yours was really slow.
I would update to A09. I believe it fixes the issue with XM CPUs not going to full speed on all cores or something like that. Maybe it was for the M17x only.....but either way, update it.
Samsung 256GB SSD ATA Device PM800
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by Nivaku, Mar 23, 2011.