Hey guys, I just used the SD card reader in my laptop for the first time to upload some video files, and it's really slow, <3MB/sec. Is this something everyone experiences or just me? I tried to look up drivers, but there wasn't anything to update to
Depends on th SD card I would have thought, mine, for example, doesn't read any SD cards. Not sure if I can be Daffy Ducked to get it sorted........ Despite just shelling out on £179 on an additional 3 year warranty. I'll sve it for what a more serious issue raises it's buttugly head.
Hm, does anyone else have something they can comment on?
Here is a good read.
SD Card Speed Test -
Yes, for me also depends on the card speed.
SD card Reader
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by KumquatWrath, Dec 15, 2011.