Would any of you be willing to make a Crysis2 Benchmark with Scaled cpu speeds? Using Fraps or whatever just choose an area to benchmark at say lower than stock 720qm speeds (1.6-1.7), then stock (2.0-2.4) then t-stopped (2.6-3.4)?
One of the sites released a cool article on CPU scaling but I am curious as to what speed matches the 5850 gpu capability.
Best Wishes,
stevenxowens792 Notebook Virtuoso
I'd love to help you out again but just turning throttlestop on decreases my performance regardless of the settings used.
When i get to the bottom of it I'll do this for you. -
Could be due to you drawing more power than the AC Adapter can provide. Especially if you overclocked the CPU, it could be drawing over 75W with the graphics card over that as well at max load... you haven't even counted MB/wifi/screen/HD/etc and you are at 150W...
Does it mean that turning on throttlestop despite keeping the clocks at stock,performance will decrease?
@shinob! yes that is exactly whats happens for me,but only me I just decided to stop trying to fix it and enjoy some games think i might get a m17x power cord when i buy the 6970m.If that thread isn't a April fools joke lol then see if that helps things along :O
How much power does the m15x charger provide, and will the m17x provide even more power? -
I've found that overclocking just the CPU (for wprime or similar benchmarks) works fine, as does overclocking the GPU, however, anything for than a decent overclock on both + 100% utilization results in degraded performance, at least with the stock 150W adapter.
I also had issues with overclocking the processor above a 20x multiplier across 4 cores unless I increased TPD. If I didn't core utilization would drop to 50% C0 in Throttlestop across all cores (even though task manager said 100%) and my benchmark would be worse.
Not sure why throttlestop would decrease performance regardless of settings.. sounds like an issue with that particular machine. -
the m15 is 150w the m17 is 240
Yeah maybe just my machine but it still runs great with stock CPU and OC'd GPU, better than the i5 540 though that did a good job gaming too
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
In ThrottleStop, be sure that Disable Turbo is unchecked and EIST is checked. Any other settings are performance killers, but you will encounter repeated bad advice recommending either or both. TS does not reduce performance; improper settings in TS can.
Also check you TDP settings in ThrottleStop. If set too low and saved during a prior session, they could be robbing your computer of power when TS is activated and those settings are restored.. -
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Ok I'm new to the M15x mine should arrive some time next week. Here is the config I will be recieving:
Intel® Core™ i7 940XM Quad Core Processor, 2.13GHz (3.33GHz Turbo Mode, 8M Cache)
15.6-inch WideFHD 1920x1080 (1080p) WLED
8GB Dual Channel Memory (2x 4GB DDR3)
1.5GB GDDR5 65W NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 460M.
If I was to just turbo mode it and not play with the GPU clock will i have issues with throttle? -
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Welcome aboard. -
well its not my first alienware. I had a first gen um about 2003 then the 5500 and now a M11x r1. But thanks for the quick response
Request to 920/940xm Owners
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by stevenxowens792, Mar 31, 2011.