Hi there,
First of all thanx a lot for the informations given on this forum.
It helped me to upgrade to 6970M.
Now I can play decently on Red Orchestra 2.
Is anyone playing this game here?
Can you reach ultra settings?
My 3DMARK 11 is around P3030
Is it good, do I need to overclock the card if I want Ultra settings on RH2?
Thanx for any answers.
Hey, just installed my 6970m in my M15x. My game defaults at high, I get about 30-40FPSish, sometimes dips into the high 20s, but shouldn't we be getting higher frames and be pushing ultraish with settings? Weird, i thought I would be able to run it at ultra, after running it at medium with my old 5730M. Also running at 1080p.
Yeah, this game is weird in its settings.
Although it's the best game I know.
On 64 players maps like Station
The Fps keep running from 20 to 60 at High settings (Ultra Texture) No bloom/Blur
At Ultra it can just fall from 30 to 10.
Bad bad optimization.
The 6970M is overclock 750/1000
The ram Is 8GB 1066
But I haven't touched the CPU yet.
Got temps issues now and I'm gonna repaste everything before.
What are youre specs CPU RAM...
Red Orchestra 2
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by eXplosetoi, Oct 23, 2011.