Hi guys,
Welcome to my new projectNext year I am going to attempt to upgrade the M15x (and of course succeed!)
The idea is quite simple and won't require any soldering whatsoever. The biggest hurdle is finding a space large enough to fix the DP - LVDS converter board.
1.) DP to mDP cable $8
2.) mDP to LVDS converter (actual size 3cmx9cm) $71
3.) mPCIE usb chip $5
4.) 2 pin to usb adaptor $10
5.) LVDS extension cable $1
The plan is to connect the DP to mDP cable up and route it back inside the chassis cleanly enough. Connect up to the converter board and then connect the M15x LVDS cable up to the board. For power I intend to remove the BT module and instead install the mpcie to usb adapter and using the 2 pin to usb adaptor pictured to power it.
Placement of the board would preferably be somewhere where the LVDS extension cable would not be needed.
Thoughts friends? The adaptor board isn't huge but also neither small. Where could we place this bad boy? Near the ODD or somewhere north of the BT mpcie slot in the cavity there...
As for BT and wifi a simple and cheap upgrade to the intel 7260 would bring ac wifi and BT4.0 to the M15x AIO![]()
I hope to buy all the parts early next year and then test out using the all powerful 260M. If all works well I will get a Pascal 1060 or better yet an AMD E9550 thus making the mod a success!
The project will cost under $150 plus shipping (much less than a new card) and other than the DP to mdp cable sticking out when in use. If successful a further mod could be created where a new "socket" is created in the chassis side. Thus one could then easily unplug the DP to mdp cable and stow for travel with more ease than a laptopcooler!
King of Interns Simply a laptop enthusiast
Hi, wonderful idea, I follow you because I'm dreamin the same on my m18xr2 that appear still good for my personal use.
Really interested and maybe I've enough space on this beast to modVasudev likes this. -
King of Interns Simply a laptop enthusiast
M18x might be better in terms of space for sure.
Sent from my SM-A500FU using Tapatalk -
You are using HDD caddy, correct? If so, cut the useless "fin" and stuff the converter on its place.
Use the AzureWave AW-CB160H card with adapters to your/our antennae connector. It's 3x3 so it's worth the extra effort
Good luck!MZWiZard likes this. -
King of Interns Simply a laptop enthusiast
I was thinking along the same lines. The caddy though isnt it a bit small even after modded?
Also the azurwave how does this mod work?
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I don't know the size of the adapter and your HDD caddy's placement and fin size, so I can't possibly know whether or not it would fit. It's up to you to measure it, I just made the suggestion
As for the AzureWave, I was talking about this listing.MZWiZard likes this. -
Really would like to know if it al works in they end......
King of Interns Simply a laptop enthusiast
Sent from my SM-A500FU using Tapatalk -
I don't know about M15x, but as far as M18x is concerned....the empty DMC slot would be a perfect place to put a device to provide power. you could probably stuff the converter board under the keyboard or in the DMC slot area as well.
M15x...space is really tight there. Only spare room I can think of is the optical drive area.King of Interns likes this. -
Do you use your Expresscard slot? May fit in there with the Expresscard pcb and slot mechanism removed. You should be able to then squeeze the small DP end inside the slot opening and route it underneath the laptop to the DP port on the other side. Wrap the pcb in some kapton tape to insulate it, and use some spongy double sided tape to secure it to the chassis.
BTW, I am also using an Intel 7260 (the N version, not the AC version) card with integrated BT. Works great but getting the drivers to work in W7 was tricky. I had to use a separate BT driver to get BT working. I have those drivers if you are going to need them. Windows 10 detects the card and installs the correct drivers so no worries with W10.Last edited: Dec 18, 2016King of Interns likes this. -
I look forward to this too. Nice to see youre keeping the spirit, King
King of Interns likes this. -
This .... would be extremely dope. Good luck King!
King of Interns likes this. -
King of Interns Simply a laptop enthusiast
Wow 6 months have gone by and I have done nothing! haha this plan has not died yet just on hold until 1060 module price comes down! $600 for a GTX970 seems a bit whack!
$800 dollar update for poor M15x. No wonder no one doing it yet! When I eventually get round to doing it I may as well throw in a 940xm for fun...Last edited: Jun 29, 2017gotmilk70 likes this. -
I'll be following this closely.
I'm hoping you get this to work eventually. Not really in a rush because I recently upgraded to a GTX 970M for $350. (Luckily found a cheap Clevo card from an international seller.) I can definitely wait till the prices on Pascal hardware drop enough to warrant an upgrade. The 970M is already pushing the aging 920XM. I can't seem to get mine to get past 3.2Ghz without 80c+ temps. The 970M runs cooler while gaming then the CPU haha!
King of Interns Simply a laptop enthusiast
That said 1060 offers OCed 980M performance at 80W TDP and would be a final upgrade for this machine IMHO. We need added thermal capacity for the CPU and this is one way to provide it. -
Kosti, Yeah I purchased the Liquid metal before and found that it was a little messy plus if some spilled outside the die into the other electronic pieces, I don't want to risk damage to my machine. I will try out the Cryonaut and let's see what happens.
King, I was looking into the 980M...but the much steeper cost and the heat helped my decision on not buying it. I hope you do upgrade to the 1060M, so maybe when I'm ready...I can try the 1160M or something around that range. The 970M is more than enough for me now. -
King of Interns Simply a laptop enthusiast
Lol 1160M. 1060M still going for a good 600 from dodgy chinese online retailers. Rip off of course!
1160M will be $1000 easily. Besides anything more than 1060M is overkill when matched with the 920XM. Even overclocked to 3.6ghz+ it will bottleneck in some instances with the 1060M for sure.
That said a 40W GPU with the same performance at a less ridiculous price tag would also be welcome. Would also give us more thermal headroom to get the cpu up to some higher clockspeeds via overvolting. -
King of Interns Simply a laptop enthusiast
Bang on. 1050 mxm would be a nice car. 980M performance on a 50w mxm A card!
From here look like a 970m than a 965m..
https://videocardz.com/64096/nvidia-geforce-gtx-1050-ti-for-notebooks-to-be-faster-than-gtx-970m -
That's a 1050 Ti. A "normal" 1050 has less performance.
~ $642 for a 1060: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Alienware-M...242025?hash=item1ecb532269:g:tKwAAOSwmFNZaPvu
But would that setup work? Is converting the LVDS to eDP all that needs to be done to make it work?
I wonder if this would allow something like 1070 SLI on an M18x. -
King of Interns Simply a laptop enthusiast
Also ssj92 you misread my OP. The mod is to convert DP to LVDS. Not the other way around.
The challenge for M15x is lack space for the signal convertor board inside the chassis. M18x will have much more space but perhaps won't support Pascal at startup. -
King of Interns Simply a laptop enthusiast
Actually I think there's no need for eDP to LVDS board because M15x have already eDP route presented on the motherboard. It was just chosen not to be used. I've checked schematics and connections on the motherboard with multimeter. They're only few elements missing from the motherboard to make it work. Obviously eDP connector is'n presented and few more resistors, capacitors and inductors.
What I understand from the Board View and motherboard itself, corresponding inductors L604 and resistors R898, R899 and so on (L605, L606...) should be chosen or to solder only inductors or only resistors because they occupies same places on the motherboard. So in theory it should be matter of soldering connector, few capacitors, few resistors and in the eDP lines itself: resistors or inductors. And off course eDP screen.Strigae, kosti and King of Interns like this. -
King of Interns Simply a laptop enthusiast
Sounds fairly complicated however I have a spare M15x motherboard if you want to test it out
currently fully functional.
If this upgrade is feasible it will be a major success! I wonder if it is possible to change the cpu socket to support sandybridge -
King of Interns Simply a laptop enthusiast
Ok sounds good to me
I'm pisspoor with my boardview reading skills; any chance you can give me a parts list?
I've got steady hands for soldering this kinda thing.Strigae and King of Interns like this. -
King of Interns Simply a laptop enthusiast
This is exciting! If successful and you enjoy this kind of modding as a hobby you could always offer the upgrade to other M15x owners for cost of shipping and a crate of beer (beer money
Strigae likes this. -
Basically all resistors and capacitors looks for me as a standard size 1x0.5mm which is 0402 or 1005 metric size.
Summarizing values:
R898, 899, 900, 901, 902, 903 - 0 Ohm, only jumpers
R906 - 4.7k
R907, 908, 909 - 100k
C811, 812, 813, 814, 815, 816 - 0.1uF 10V filtering caps, ceramics
C817 - 220pF 50V, ceramic
L604, 605, 606 - DLW21SN900SQ2B, they are filtering inductors made by Murata: http://www.mouser.co.uk/ProductDetail/Murata-Electronics/DLW21SN900SQ2B/?qs=/%2bYoplLUB5itW4EugIfLLg==
I'm pretty sure it can be any other so called common mode chokes with that same parameters. Besides there's no need for them if there will be jumper resistors soldered. Lucky I have broken motherboard from m17r1 which use those filters so I can reuse them if I want.
And last part is connector which according to schematics is exactly AE_FI-G30SB-VF25-DT. I found it on the aliexpress: https://www.aliexpress.com/store/pr...00-DT-LVDS-Connector/1928062_32497904033.html
There's some soldering but not that much. Only pain will be the size of those caps and resistors. Good luck then.triturbo, Strigae and King of Interns like this. -
Wow hopefully it works! I would definitely pay for a hardmod like this. Unlimited upgradability!!
King of Interns likes this. -
King of Interns Simply a laptop enthusiast
Darn it. My 260M gave out last night. Time for a replacement.
do you want another 260M? I've got one in my desk draw at work and I'm near to the Bmth area (seem to remember you have family there)
King of Interns Simply a laptop enthusiast
Just installed a used 5850 for 40 euros shipped. Nice offer though. I do indeed have family that way although I live just over 1000 km to the south east of there
so, is there any update on this project or any successful attempt in soldering missing components to make eDP available?
King of Interns and alienisme like this.
oops, I forgot that the 970m also have 6GB of VRAM, my mistake. yeah, you're right, unless dx12.1 offers more thing than dx11, the 970m/980m seems like a better choice
King of Interns Simply a laptop enthusiast
Yeah this project is on hold. I have way more pressing matters to take care of
yes 1060 isnt a great upgrade. That said e9260 if it ever comes out would be a great low power unit and of course future low tdp cards that punch above 980M at a suitable TDP.
https://au.mouser.com/Semiconductor...llers/Images/_/N-wnwh?Keyword=MAX8792&FS=True pretty sure this is the missing edp chip that needs to be soldered on
Project make M15x Pascal and Polaris compatible (DP only)
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by King of Interns, Dec 15, 2016.