Hi guys, i bought an m15x a couple of weeks ago. I have been playing League of Legends and i always get fps drops, or some lags while playing. I used the HWMmonitor to see the temperatures and thos where normal, 60 C.
Also donwloaded Gpu z, and i see that the gpu usage is very high. Here is a screen of gpu z.
I would like to mention that i set the game in high and mid requierments without antialising.
I have been looking in google about this gpu problem, but it seems its the gpu that is too slow, is it? Do i need to change it to play the game?
Attached Files:
You don't need to change the gpu to play that game. Make sure stealth mode isn't accidentally enabled. Also check to make sure you are on A09 bios. Lastly check to see which driver you have for the gpu. I'll try to dig up a post of mine of the driver I used which gave me the best performance with the 260m.
Alienware-L_Porras Company Representative
I also tried Lineage 2 and i get a very good performance. The strange thing is that iam getting some black lines while iam playing, they apear for 1 second and then disapear, i just got the A09 bios installed and the last divers from NVidia, also steath mode is off.
Problems with gtx 260m
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by Erwinix, May 17, 2014.