Hey everyone, I was very excited to come home to my new Nvidia 460m GTX for my M15x. So, I uninstalled drivers, tore down the computer, cleaned it out and installed the new card (previously was the 260m GTX) and everything. Unfortunately, now when I try to turn on the computer I only get a black screen with 1 long beep followed by 2 shorter ones (what I found to be a video error, go figure right?) I was just wondering if I was missing something or did something wrong? Anyone else have this issue when upgrading to the 460m? When searching all I could find was how this card was compatible and couldn't find any issues. I received the card from Dell directly.
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Sorry if I missed something, I'm slightly upset after the excitement of the new card then the let down of a black screen. Thanks everyone.
Did you update to the latest BIOS (A09) before installing?
You're sure about the beep code? I've never seen a list of the M15x beep codes...
Anyway, first of all try reseating the card and also make sure that you properly plugged in the fan (If I remember correctly this can cause the system to not boot up as well)
If you have really bad luck then it's a dead on arrival card... this happens.
Ah, and check the Bios.
Edit: JohnnyFlash was faster He's right... 460m support wasn't there from the beginning. -
Wow, Do I feel stupid now.
No, I didn't update my BIOS... /headtodesk.
Now to start again. Thanks guys! I'll let you know how it turns out.
Problems upgrading to 460m
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by NaveedZenith, May 16, 2011.