So I am using 720QM + 260M GTX + 8 GB ram + SSD originally. However, when I fit in the new 670M card, it auto powers off over a short period of time. (I'm using a 150W adapter)
The 670M card I got from laptopmonkey doesn't have the retention bracket underneath it. 1) I dont know how to take the retention bracket from the bottom of the 260M card; it seemed to be glued very tightly.
EDIT: I got this out - i just realized it can be popped off.
2) The card is too high - the old fan and the X bracket cannot be screwed on top of the 670M card. EDIT: since i solved the first issue This is not a problem.
3) Windows is unable to correctly detect the new card. It just appears to be unknown device.
Does anybody know how to fix this?
Have you tried installing the drivers with a modified ini file?
Ok guys, I did install the drivers with modified ini and it worked with 305.XX one. Cheers! Will do testing later.
Ahh cool. Congrats
Sweet card. You will have to tell is what you think of the difference from the 260m you are seeing!
2924 3Dmark 11. Compares well with non-overclocked GPU's of this model. Maybe better pasting or pads could lowers temps a bit.
X930 for extreme. -
with the 670m was it just a drop in? or did you have to do anything with the cooling unit?!
Yes. Very simple. Pop the old X-bracket, reapply to the new card.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
What kind of behavior do you see with clocking? I believe the 670M already runs at the 0.9V core you could step the 570M up to.
I also am thinking of buying a GTX670M in upgrademonkey.
All good faelken any problem?
And about of Install GTX670M all ok? no fan problems? the old xplate of 260 work? vga and displayport work? -
Alienware-L_Porras Company Representative
And how are the temperatures running that video card? FPS on games as well?
Problem with 670M upgrade
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by faelken, Aug 16, 2012.