Is there a DIY fix for a power brick's cable ripping? I fear that it may lead to power related issues sooner or later as it is. I taped it immediately because I've no idea what to do about this. Pic below .Thanks.
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
Whatever you do just be careful and make sure it doesn't short out and start a fire.
They are not that expensive so maybe just buy a new one.
You could try taking the PSU apart to re solder a new wire but that depends if it's held together with screws or glue. -
Well the power wire itself isn't exposed. Just the white stuff and the thin black cable inside it.
The white stuff is insulator. Grab some black electrical tape, cover it with some wire insulator, and wrap the electrical tape around the exposed area. Fixed. If you see copper, you're screwed.
Alienware-L_Porras Company Representative
Power Brick Cable ripping
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by Bele, Nov 9, 2012.