I've had a ton of troubles in the 5 years I've had my M15x. I solved them about 6 months back when I repasted my GPU and CPU, but it seems they've come back again. My M15x will randomly shut down, most noticeably in the middle of a game of League of Legends, but sometimes when I'm at the login screen or even just browisng the internet.
I ran HWINfo and it doesn't appear to be my GPU overheatting (as it was last time). My question is: what should the temperatures of my CPU's cores be when idle, browsing the internet + SPotify, and playing a game? I'm getting anywhere from 61 to 82 degrees Celcius CPU temps when just browsing the internet. Does the CPU need repasted AGAIN? Thank you for your time.
Just checked again, I'm getting up to 84 degrees Celcius CPU core temps just from browsing the internet and listening to music. I'm guessing these are high tempeaturse? The GPU temps are staying at or below 60 degrees.
These are too high temps. Repaste the CPU, check that the heatsink is screwed properly. Don't your fans stay at max even when browsing?
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An XM idles at around 45-50C so yes your chip is running much to hot.
Possible CPU overheating, help!
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by iGrendei, Jan 16, 2014.