Welcome to the Owner's Lounge for the Alienware M15x Part 5!
(Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 and Part 4)
This thread is a place to discuss your M15x and share general information on your system with fellow owners.
Manuals (Owners Manual and Service Manual) -
Manuals, Drivers, etc.
M15x Chassis Information
M15x Drivers straight from Dell Support -
Drivers and Downloads | Dell [United States]
Overclocking -
Benching, Overclocking and GPU Related Items
(Note: Overclocking your system will put additional load on components - do so at your own risk.)
Benchmarks Discussion and Result Sharing -
GPU Related Items -
Other Useful Links
Clean Install -
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M15x Official Teardown Videos
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Have fun with your M15x!
Charles P. Jefferies Lead Moderator Super Moderator
This is the next part of the M15x owner's lounge.
CAREFULLY NOTE this is not a chatbox in an instant messaging program. Your posts MUST have substance. No one-liners.
Here we go. So what is the point of Stealth Mode? To quiet down the fan? Why not use this to save battery power. Why did they disabled this while running on battery?
well when in battery mode it automatically down clocks. so no need for it. stealth mode is used when your plugged in and not doing much like browsing, where you don't need all the extra power.
makes sense. I'll just get a 9cell battery to get some more juice out of it. I only browse the web on battery. Most of my gaming will be on a/c.
Oh god a new thread!
Yeah get the 9 cell, its great to have a longer battery life and even though its a little large, it's gonna help your laptop cooling system! -
Wow part 5...it's like one of those old horror movies where it never ends...lol
I'm a newbie..I searched the threads for information on upgrades and how to know what icore7 goes with your bios and motherboard is there a converstion chart?? sorry I'm lost in here.. I just what to upgrade my M15x already.
the bios doesn't matter with the cpu upgrade, but i still do recommend getting the most current bios for your system. -
hey...i was wondering if i should get an envy 14 or an alienware m15x and later on get some sort of a netbook....i need portability and would like to play a bit of games and i need a powerful laptop solution. What does the m15x get in 3dmark06 and what gpu cpu combo would be the best for the best price?
portability goes to the envy.
performance the M15x.
here is a link to the bencheck thread:
on a purely gaming stand point i would choose i7 640/5850 combo, for price / performance in gaming imho. -
and for the GPU: If you work a lot with photoshop or do some video rendering or similar go for a Nvidia card, in case of the M15x go for the GTX 460m, the CUDA technology is great imo.
When you just want to play games a AMD 5850 may be better,though I'm not really familiar with this card. -
Today I turn on my laptop and no display (Black screen). I turned it off again and tried it and same issue. The only way I got the display to work was by removing the battery for a few seconds and putting everything back. Has anyone experience this? This is a new laptop and it's only been used for 3 days. A little worried.
hmmm. strange, what is the screen brightness setting are you using??? also a good idea to run the diagnostic tool on your resource disk to see if it shows any errors.
The brightness did work. Pitch black like as it was completely off. I'll try running the diag to see what comes up. It's working now. Completely strange and hope it doesn't happen often.
there are some reports of people having a similiar problem when setting the screen brightness to low and would boot up to a black screen.
but do all your testing now, you only have 21 days to return it if you don't like it. -
what would be the point of getting an m15x instead of a desktop? not to be rude or anything its just a question...
i prefer laptops that can keep up with desktops or spank them. I would rather chill on the couch or in bed and play a game or watch a movie and then pack it up and go to friends or families house and do some more surfing, and gaming on the go. I realize desktops are cheaper and usually more powerful but sometime you gotta pay to play.
Yeah I went from wanting to sell my desktop to get a M17x to just simply buying a M11x-r2 for the road. That way, I don't spend a fortune on something that's roughly 1/2 of my desktop's power and I get an AW laptop! Win/win.
hey guys uh my caps lock broke off and was trying to have it replaced but ive moved and need help changing my address on my account. Harry if your around please let me know how to do this thanks.
you can justg call them up and explain the situation, i'm sure they can help.
Just to say, the nvidia site has put on the 470m in its official drivers drop down but doesn't list a driver yet. Maybe next year I'll get a 470m and even if it doesn't work, I'm gonna buy a clevo anyway and put the 460m in here and use the clevo with the 470m.
steelcurtain11 Notebook Consultant
I've had my M15x with the 720qm and 260m gpu for awhile now, it's still under the accidental warranty until march or april i believe. but the past few weeks it's been heating up really bad, even with this cooling fan under it. It's frustrating when playing games because it usually will freeze the game or just crash all together. What's the best way to use this warranty and getting this issue fixed?
Anyone have the ALIENWARE color dim compared to all the other lights?
yeah the alienware letters are dimmer.
Today was a bad day.. my alienware officially died after the technician came (even with the old mobo doesn't works). Tomorrow im going to speak with my supervisor and request a system exchange (if is possible an M17x R2).
So im going to survive this days in my Qosmio X305 for Starcraft 2.. So if somebody seems a big load during multiplayer you know my reason (i miss the i7)
Anybody had a similar situation with system exchanges? -
Jstar is the only one i know of that got his M15x exchange for an M17x.
i had a few replacement M15x before. -
Im sorry to hear that, Id say it going to come down to what Rep you talk to about getting a m17x.. Jstar
The supervisor said that there was a possibility for an M17x (i had some similar issues like Jstar in audio). For now i have to survive in this old thing
So i only need to wait until tomorrow -
Yesterday the technician came and replaced mobo and cpu (they gave me a 820QM because they didn't had 720QM
), even with that the problems persists and we found that is caused by the GT240M.
So in 1 hour until they open (at 8:00 AM they open) lets see which solutions the supervisor gives me, but i can apply for an M17x (the only problem for me is the weight).
If there are any news i report them here at first minute -
Merry X-Mas guys. Hope everyone is having a happy holidays.
Merry Christmas !! Thought id drop by and say i got a Gskill 8GB RAM kit, just installed it, id have to say its alot snappier. Very happy !!! hope you all had a great Christmas !!
Here is the link: Click it to pick it -
hey guys been awhile, work has been busy. can't wait till ces really looking forward to see what alienware has to offer. My M15x is gonna go back to the mothership, so I don't really know what I'm gonna get next. thinking about grabbing an outlet M17x but I guess I have to wait and see what ces has to bring.
not sure what you mean therosfear.
You know if is possible that the 480M works in the M15x? -
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Why are you sending it back, Inap? Thought it was working great.
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Sorry to hear it, but may turn out to be a blessing in disguise with the new Sandy Bridge lineup.
yeah it strange how things work out. just wanted a fix so i can sell it. but i can't refuse such an awesome offer. don't really care for sandy that much, just want an rgb screen because i need color accuracy for my job now. really love to stay in the M15x family, so if new M15x have rgb then i'm staying for sure. if they skip the rbg in the M17x r3 then i think i have to get a M17x r2. well just have to wait another week to see.
Happy New Years to Everyone!!! -
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Happy New Year to you, Inap.
Odd. Seems like at stock clocks I'm crashing now. Haven't tried checking temps yet but I'm sure they're fine. THE END IS NEAR. :O
edit: running furmark to check temps -
i think you may have damage your card runnning such a high oc for everyday gaming.
Happy new year to all!!
Thanks for every bodies support, throughout '10.
We have a great community here. -
steelcurtain11 Notebook Consultant
Bleh. lately my gpu has been displaying weird colors on my games pretty much 75% of the time, and freezing as well. Either the gpu is messed up or maybe a fan problem causing it to over heat? Idk cause it's on a cooling pad all the time.
How do I go about talking to a technician about this? live chat or phone or something? -
I don't know anything about contacting support but the first thing I'd do is run GPUz to check your temperatures (high 80's is not good, high ninties is cringe time).
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Alienware Technical Support
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For faster service, please enter Express Service Code 16588624537 when prompted on the call.
1-800-ALIENWARE 7 AM to 11 PM CST.
Have your computer in front of you and your Service Tag available.
*OFFICIAL* M15x Owners Lounge - Part 5 (see post #1 for links)
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by BatBoy, Feb 27, 2010.