When do you think the next gpu upgrade will come out?
My M15x isn't supposed to get here until around 3-25, I'd just hate to get it and see that a new better card came out for the same price.
Or will the card be more expensive?
steelcurtain11 Notebook Consultant
steelcurtain11 Notebook Consultant
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
Hey.. my friend's m15x has a western digital hard drive I've got a seagate. My one is loud as compared to his. Is the WD better than seagate..
my seagate is also obnoxiosly loud and goes on a clicking rage sometimes...
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
yes but I've heard seagate are more reliable than WD.. or may be it's me being biased having a bad experience with WD once..
i think theres a chance both could possibly have problems
More RAM doesn't always equate to faster RAM unfortunately! -
Sents you have more RAM more data can be cached on RAM. That data will then load faster the next time you need it because it will not have to be read from the HDD.
One good thing about your 6GB setup is that you have 1 4GB RAM stick. So, you only need to by 1 4GB RAM stick to get you up to 8GB. Unlike if you have 2 2GB RAM sticks to make the 4GB of RAM like in my system.
However, it is a bad Idea to mix and match RAM sticks of differing brands/models even though they say they both are "1333Mhz DDR3 with the same Latency Timeing." Every RAM chip runs at a `slightly` different speed, so if you mix and match that can lead to errors in memory and CPU. These errors slow things down. BUT, you CAN mix and match it is just not the best way to go. Mixing and matching will save you a whole lot of money in the 4GB RAM stick market though, so it is something to consider.
BUT pop open your laptop I bet you CAN find an exact match for the 4GB RAM stick you have. Try to find an exact match of Manufacture/Model/Speed/Everything even if it costs a little more. -
Getting rid of paging is one way of speeding up a system.
The "stick should be exact the same" argument can be confirmed by the fact that you can buy memory kits, where you get 2 (or 3) sticks in one pack. This is so that you can run in dual channel.
Also, a side note, even if you have the same 2 models of RAM sticks bought not as a kit, you may end up having 2 non compatible sticks for dual channel (as the sticks might be different revisions). This is because the PCB also matters, and the sticks are only guaranteed to be the same if bought in a dual channel kit.
With the partnumber you should be able to get another matching stick, but Im not sure. -
True if a 4GB system started using paging it could end up preforming slower in a real world application. I also agree that if you have 4GB of RAM or more you don't need paging. I'd disable that. I don't have a swap partition in Linux. However, Linux dose use significantly less memory. My OS uses less then 200MB.
Thanks for the input guys! I'll try to summarise for anyone still confused..
More RAM generally equals more performance for TWO major reasons:
1 If your programs need more RAM and you have some spare, programs have room to breathe. As long as you have enough, programs can eat more IF they need it.
2 Spare RAM is used to cache disk reads and writes and if there is enough spare, your whole game/level can fit in it. Making restarting a game much much faster since it's all sitting in RAM already.
In the Clarksfield I7 cpus there are two DDR3 RAM channels so if you can get them both active by using identical sticks in both slots, you will enable Dual Channel mode which speeds things up (the same principle as using RAID to connect two identical drives - except that RAM will not pair up if it's not practically identical). -
ANY UK OWNERS - As of this morning my M15x is now "shipped" according to Dells tracking. I got a UPS tracking number which says "Shipped on" as this coming Friday.
I thought shipped is a past tense wordSo does that mean they WILL ship it on Friday? Why the 3 day holdup?
Oh I see! Thanks for the info!
I'm still a little disapointed though250$ to have slower ram!
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
Even after I do all of this, how do i know the dual channel is pushing in... Since some of you said it has to be a kit.. -
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
Can anyone provide me with any references from any websites confirming Dual Channel RAM have to be of same size.. So I could show it to the tech team and get my RAM swapped...
I think, despite previous warnings about Kits being sold when actually incompatible, I doubt very much that Dell would do this. If they have a bunch of 4GB, 2GB or 1GB Modules at 1333MHz, I'd put my money on them working in Dual Channel mode..
Normally your POST (Bios boot check screen) will tell you, and probably in the Bios itself..
Another way to test would be to run a ram benchmark before and after.. There will be a clear difference in data rate..
I use Everest Ultimate for this, highly recommended!! - www.lavalys.com -
Ok seems like there is much confusion about this topic... so let me clear things up for you:
1. Obviously if you have identical memory chipsets, you have nothing to worry about, your running in dual channel mode.
2. Soccertheirry and anyone else who is feeling disappointed... Don't Be! Although many people will tell you that you need two exact memory chipsets to achieve dual channel mode, this is not always the case. MOST newer motherboards, including the one the M15x and M17x uses, Support a feature called FLEX mode. What this does is even if you have diffrent memory speeds, it uses the lower one for dual channel mode, and even if you have diffrent size memory sticks, it again uses the lower one for dual channel mode as well. So in our case ( 1x2gb @ 1333mhz and 1x 4gb @ 1333mhz) will be running 4gb @ 1333mhz in dual channel mode, and the remainding 2gbs in single channel mode.
So NO we did not waste our money, as we indeed have 4gbs running in dual channel mode, PLUS and extra 2 gigs running in single...
Also note, tests have shown that dual channel memory does not DOUBLE the speed of your ram like the name suggest...but rather results have shown a 5% increase in everyday applications, and as much as a 15% increase in ram intensive programs.
So all of you who have bought 6gb @ 1333mhz... i'd say we have a little advantage over the 4gb systems (ram wise). And also, it'll be cheaper to upgrade to 8gb of ram in the future since we only have to buy 1 stick of 4gb @ 1333mhz...
Whoever doesn't believe me do a quick wikipedia or google searchand you will see... as for a fast proof, all those with 6gbs of ram run Cpu-z, and click on the Memory tab, and it will indeed, show "Dual Channel".
Hope This helps... -
thanks for sharing your experience.. it definitely helps to know this.. I read about FLEX actually, but didn't think about it here
Glad to know the laptop is new tech across the board.. I love it!
Some Ads:
These are the rams I use:
which perform really well. and there seems to be a good deal now -
@ Mr. Pras --> My pleasure
Ahh wattos, always questioning me huh?..At least i can say you are definately not gullable! and you don't believe whatever you are told... so for that i respect you
The easy way to tell would be to just check cpu-z...but i guess since you don't have 6gb of ram that wouldn't work for you... so here's proof straight from Intel(hows that for a reliable source? hehe) :
Go down to section
There's also all sorts of info you guys might want to know if your intrested on how the technology works, and everything else you might want to know about the i7 mobile chipsets..
Enjoyand maybe this will end the debate once and for all.
You are very welcome
I learned something new today thanks j. Haha not going to be much help this week on vacation in Vegas.
WOOOTT!! Thats awesome bro! Had some VERY good times in vegas last year! Enjoy your stay man, and remember don`t bet your life savings all on red
Haha I wished I had that advice last night. Lol and thanks
Sorry for the mutipost merging went wrong on iPhone. Mods please remove thanks
If you go to section Dual Channel Asymmetric mode, it says:
I have a dual HDD setup on this HP laptop using an SSD and an HDD..
I use the HDD to Hardlink any folders that normally are causing wear and tear on my 1 year old MLC SSD drive (Transcend 64GB). This avoids the slow random small write problems (in the case of IE cache for example) and also avoids excessive rewriting (like the Windows search database for example that is always changing)..
I want to put it in my upcoming M15x, since it will be a better match for the rest of the system.
I have about 4500 write cycles left (minimum value) and so there is some life left in the SSD but I would only feel confident using it with an HDD as a backup.
I've considered having an always available eSata external device (the 500GB drive being shipped with the M15x) and also using the SSD as the eSata device to supplement-cache the HDD (using eBoostr or Readyboost).
Neither options are ideal but then I saw someone talking about removing the optical drive and hacking in a 2.5" drive..
Has anyone done this? I am happy using a USB external DVD and would plan to jury-rig an SSD in place of the standard HDD and put the HDD where the Optical drive was..
Any thoughts/warnings etc on this idea? Otherwise I will leave the SSD option till I can afford a newer generation drive. Still, 250GB is just not enough for me and it would be nice to have a 500GB HDD to use with the SSD.
This also means I can get a higher standard smaller SSD for my apps and OS while having video and other material on the HDD since it doesn't benefit too much from the higher access times or data rates.
Any input would be well appreciated! -
steelcurtain11 Notebook Consultant
Is there a restocking fee on returning a M15x after you receive it? If so how much is it.
I think I'm just going to go through with the order, but if they end up releasing a new GPU by the time I get it and it's not much more expensive, then I'll try to return it within the 21day period. Then order a new updated one.
So any restocking fee? Should I keep the box closed or can I still open it and use it (If the new gpu isn't out within the 21day period) and still return it?
I just definitely want to get my moneys worth on this laptop so I'm kind of looking for the best scenario, sorry for all the questions. -
Just a little note - I see people talking about the issues of the M15x..
1: Throttling issue - it's an issue for sure, but mostly a technicality although it CAN affect your experience. If it was a big issue people would be way more worried and it's solved with Throttlestop.
2: USB issue - This is very strange to me. There is clearly an incompatibility with the IPHONE. So really, it's not a USB issue, it's an IPHONE issue and only affects IPHONE users. Or have others had other USB related issues? - Why call it a USB issue when it's simply an Itunes/Iphone issue? -
A minor question also. I've not noticed a HDD led anywhere. I'm used to being able to see if the Drive is the bottleneck via the HDD light.. Is there one?
"The IMC supports Intel Flex Memory Technology Mode. This mode combines the advantages of the Dual-Channel Symmetric (Interleaved) and Dual-Channel Asymmetric Modes."
In simplest terms, it takes the best of both modes and combines them.
It then goes on to state :
"Memory is divided into a symmetric and a asymmetric zone. The symmetric zone starts at the lowest address in each channel and is contiguous until the asymmetric zone begins or until the top address of the channel with the smaller capacity is reached. In this mode, the system runs with one zone of dual-channel mode and one zone of single-channel mode, simultaneously, across the whole memory array."
What you are reading in section is actually the explantion of what Dual-Channel Asymmetric Mode is, even though this mode won't ever be used alone UNLESS FLEX IS DISABLED as stated below in sec. :
"This mode is used when Intel Flex Memory Technology is disabled..."
this would imply, to any individual NOT lacking a minimal level of reasoning, that it is ENABLED by default. Why would Intel spend time and money developing such a technology only to have it disabled by default? And if it was disabled by default, the same quote would read :
"This mode is used ONLY UNTILL Intel Flex Memory Technology is ENABLED".
But sadly for your argument, it does not. I am only being so harsh about this subject matter because my limited yet previous experience with you on these forums do suggest you have a rep to confuse members of NBR for no particlar reason other than for your self-amusement, which quite honestly, is quite arrogant and childish. These forums are full of good people doing their best to help, while it seems you use these forums to confuse and irritate. If these are not your intentions, then i am sincerely sorry for interpreting them in this way, and i appologize for doing so.
For everyone else on these forums wondering if buying 6gb of ram is a waste of money, i can assure you it is not, and it is clearly stated that FLEX is supported on all i7 mobile chipsets by Intel itself. here's the link again :
http://download.intel.com/design/pro...hts/320765.pdf -
Its really a shame that you seem to overreact over simple discussion. The biggest mistake in any design/argument/whatever you can make is to do assumptions without verifying them. It does indeed make common sense to enable FLEX, but its only an assumption on your part if its enabled.
Having said that, I will not discuss this issue further as it obviously is not going anywhere. -
personally I still would not like HALF of one of my ram boards to be dual and the other not..
Surprised they don't do 3GB ram boards so that you can still have simple symmetry (always better for Ram). -
Can we use the 1600MHz ram on this page? Specifically the KHX1600C7S3K2/4GX
http://www.kingston.com/hyperx/products/khx_sodimm.asp -
And for the record... i'm having a REALLY bad day so i'm sorry for my short fuse... -
Yea headed for the bar right now actually
see ya later
hey guys i have a problem. When i connect the M15x to my LG 32Lh30, it seems the sound program keeps freezing. It will work for awhile and i can hear sound from my monitor but somewhere later on it just stops and i have to relog just to get it to work again. Any idea's on what might be the problem?
hey if aw were to replace my gpu should i get a 8800m gtx or a 3870? thanks
Anyone know what 500GB HDD is going into the UK M15X?
Edit: I found replacement part as Seagate ST9500420AS
Isn't the 320GB Scorpio black a much better drive? I'd rather have a smaller faster drive -
I never played music on my laptop but just played a couple of songs off my HDD and found that the music suffered from random stutters. I know other people had issues like this in the past. Any fixes?
Please correct me if I am wrong, but the only value you can set in the M15X bios is the frequency. E.g. you would be able to run them at DDR3-1600 9-9-9
unfortunately. I have done this with my G.Skill and there is no visible performance difference than if running on 1333 -
on another note, just got my MX15 yesterday.... love it to bits
thinking of stick my intel 80GB X25 ssd in it,, when reinstalling does the Alienware control centre come on the installation disc provided or do i need to downlaod it, as would hate to reienstall to find ive lost it,,,
About the FLEX memory Duel Channel stuff.
I thought that it would still do duel channel if you have differing memory sticks. There was talk about it not even running in duel channel, so I just when along with it. I was thinking that maybe I just for got that. Though it did sound reasonable that a 2GB + 4GB would not run in duel channel.
Ya, if you put a DDR3 1333MHz RAM stick and one DDR3 1066MHz in the other slot. The system will run Both RAM sticks at DDR3 1066MHz. You defiantly don't want to do that.
The point that I wanted to make was that when you mix and match memory Brands/Model even with matching DDR31333 6-6-6-12 Timing 2GB 2GB bla bal.... The memory chips on the differing Brand/Model/Batch# RAM sticks do run `Slightly` different speeds and it can cause errors that may cause your computer to run slightly slower then if you have an exact match. While it still works it is something to be avoided. -
So my G.Skill never actually ran at 1600 on the M15x
*OFFICIAL* "All Powerful" M15x Owners Lounge - Part 4
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by BatBoy, Feb 27, 2010.