So I was doing some testing with a desktop I built for a friend (rebuilt really) and wanted to compare it to my laptop. The 100$ amd processor got a sub 10s speed test in wPrime. I tested my 920xm and got 33 seconds. I was shocked and looked at cpuz and it is running 1 core and 2 threads. I got the latest version and even downloaded Core Temp.Tthey both only recognize 1 core. I looked in task manager and set the cpu monitor graphs to 1 graph per 1 core and only ended up with 2 graphs.
What the heck is wrong?! All advise and help is greatly appreciated!
Run msconfig, click on the Boot tab and then click on Advanced Options and make sure Number of Processors is NOT checked. There is an internet myth that if you check this box it can make your laptop boot up quicker but all it does is it disables your cores. After you set this properly, reboot so Windows can find all your cores and threads and then set wPrime appropriately and run ThrottleStop so you can overclock your CPU to the moon and get similar or better times than your friend's desktop CPU.
DR650SE had a 32M wPrime run in under 6.5 seconds with a similar CPU to yours. -
I fixed it following your advice. got a score of 9.78s! Thank you so such. +rep
Now all you have to do is learn how to use ThrottleStop so you can chop another few seconds off of that score and try to get competitive with DR650SE. Good luck. He's a master at getting every last ounce of performance out of his CPUs.
Alienware-L_Porras Company Representative
I Am familiar with ThrottleStop. I got my time down to 7.291s. I want my laptop to last so I dont think I will push it any more than that. Plus I think thats all she will give me. 28x-28x-28x-27x is all i have been able to get out of it in the past. Again, Thanks for your help.
Not using all 4 cores of my 920xm
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by Oldakowski, Jul 2, 2012.