Hello everyone,I haven't been on this forum for long time. I had a good time being on this forum as there are very good specialists here. My m15x which is 12 years old still up and running. Problem is that my primary Graphics card burned long time ago. I have alienware m15x first gen from 2008. This model with exactly the some spac>>> https://www.notebookcheck.net/Review-Alienware-Area-51-m15x-Notebook.8835.0.html
I upgraded hdd to ssd and have 4GB RAM running Windows 7 64bit. The problem is when I try to play YouTube video from 720p or higher resolution video is gliching, it is not smooth. The secondary Graphics card Intel GMA
X3100 does not manage this video resolution. I would like to put some primary Graphics card to my old m15x. The question is what graphics card could I Install in my old m15x?
Please could you recommend/tell me what graphics card I could put in? Or maybe there is some better option this days to install some better graphics card to my old laptop.
Please help
M6100 is pretty cheap and should handle any daily 3d accelerated tasks with ease
nofate likes this. -
Hi, that model is the m15x r1 (pre-dell), this forum forum is for r2 models.
Here is the link for that forum, you'll find over there lots of usefull info
Like this post for example where you'll find all the alternatives to upgrade each component of that laptop including the gpu.
I hope it helped you.
Good lucknofate likes this. -
Thank you very much for help and I do apologise for putting this thread in wrong place
Sorry for double post however need advise. Which graphics card I should go for if I want to use working HDMI port. I do not need performance. Primary I need HDMI, in fact as lower performance is that is even better.
Need a primary Graphics card
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by nofate, Aug 20, 2020.