I play WoW and since the patch my CPU seems to be struggling as I have poor fps, my GPU seems to be quite happy and cool at around 60-70% load so I assume it has to be my CPU.
It appears that wow does not use all of the cores that the I7 provides, so I could be better off with an I5.
Can someone tell me which CPU's I can get I7's and I5's or if anyone plays wow tell me which CPU you are using if the game runs well for you.
My CPU is the I7 720QM
I recommend upgrading to the i7-840qm or i7-920xm. They will give you the most bang for your buck -
Thanks for that
Alienware-L_Porras Company Representative
Need a CPU upgrade
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by Coops025, Sep 25, 2012.