After install windows 7 , my ssd might have a problem.
My SSD booting to windows too slow and sometimes crashed in Windows 7 . I enabled TRIM , upgraded firmware for the SSD but the samething happened again.
Booting from Alienware logo to the welcome screen about 60 seconds.
I tried to put this SSD to my other laptop ( VAIO F134 ) and the boot time around 25 seconds.
Can anyone tell me why ? Is that M15x Alienware have problem with the Crucial C300 or I did something wrong
PS : all my driver like RST or Intel driver Storage Manager also the lastest firmware.
Have you tried to enable AHCI in BIOS yet? Maybe you forgot it
Already Enabled.
And I have one more problem , I tried to use Ailenware respawn and when I boot the DVD , it's said " Minimum requirement of disk storage is 485 GB " . I think it needs hard drive 500Gb to factory recovery -
you sure your firmware is the 0006?
also try to apply those fixes
Solution: C300 Disk Freeze-ups in Windows 7 solved... - Crucial Community
(even if you have not experienced any freeze yet, your slowdown may be related to those setting) -
And another question is
I tried to use Ailenware respawn and when I boot the DVD , it's said " Minimum requirement of disk storage is 485 GB " . I think it needs hard drive 500Gb to factory recovery
Is that normal from Alien respawn ( This DVD I burned out from Alien Recovery Software when I use the hard drive 500Gb that included in laptop the first time ) -
So , is there anyway that I can use the recovery mode for my ssd ?
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
You will have much better results with a clean install on your new SSD rather than trying to clone your existing HDD. It's worth the additional time and effort involved.
Cause there is alot of driver out there , and I don't know what is the best driver for my laptop , like wireless , broadcom ..etc
Go to Drivers & Downloads
Anything that your computer doesn't have simply will not install.
Need Help With My SSD Crucial C300 256Gb
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by hamabucon, Apr 24, 2011.